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jhi wjqreÿ 34 l bka§h f;<s.= ks,shla jk  Sri Reddy j ckm%sh bka§h ksIamdoljrfhl=f.a mq;l= ÿIKh l< njg weh fpdaokd lrkjd' wehj ÿIKh lr we;af;a wiNH ùäfhda fmkajñka njhs mejfikafka' ta fya;=fjka weh wmyiq;djhg yd widOdrKhg ,laj we;s nj lshk  ks<sh fuu widOdrhkg ksis  mshjrla .kakehs b,a,ñka Wvq ksrej;ska uyd mdf¾ Wmjdihlao lr ;sfnk nj úfoia udOH ioyka lr ;sfnkjd' kuq;a wehf.a instagram .sKqfï weh;a wehj ÿIKhg ,la l< ;reKhd;a iu. iómj isáñka .;a PdhdrEm uqod yer ;sfnkjd'

,Tyq È.ska È.gu Tyq;a tlal , iïnkaO;d mj;ajkak ug n, l<d' uq,skau udj iagqäfhda tlg tlalf.k .shd jevlg lsh,d'' kuq;a Tyq lrk jevla uu oelafla keye' ta wjia:dfõ§ ;uhs Tyq ug ta jf.a fhdackdjla lf<a" ta;a tlalu wiNH ùäfhda ug fmkakqjd' tajd fmkajñka n,y;aldrfhka udj ÿIKh l<d''Tyq fydou f;,s.= iskudmg wOHlaIjrfhlaf.a mqf;la''',

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