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fld<U yd ta wdY%s; m%foaYj, mdi,a isiqka we;=¿ ;reKhka 11 fofkl= meyerf.k f.dia w;=reoyka lsÍfï isoaêfha m%Odk iellrefjl= jk pkaok m%idoa fyÜáwdrÉÑg ie.ù isàug wdOdr wkqn, ,nd §u we;=¿ fpdaokd /ila t,a, ù we;s wdrlaIl udKav,sl m%OdkS rùkao% úf–.=kr;ak iïnkaOfhka wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=jg m%ldYhla ,nd ÿka Æ;skka ludkav¾ ,laisß .,.uf.a uy;dg wdrlaIl udKav,sl m%Odkshd bÈßmsg§u Tyqf.a iyprhka msßila úiska óg iq¿ fudfyd;lg fmr myr § ;sfí'

fï jkúg Tyq fï iïnkaOfhka fld<U - fldgqj fmd,sishg meñKs,a,la bÈßm;a lrñka isák njo úYajdi lghq;= wdrxÑ ud¾. ioyka lrhs'

wdrlaIl udKav,sl m%Odkshdf.a iyprhska úiska óg iq¿ fudfyd;lg fmr kdúl yuqod uQ,ia:dkfha§ b;du;a wudKqIsl f,i Æ;skka ludkav¾ ,laisß .,.uf.a uy;d jglrf.k myr§ we;'

tfia myr§u i|yd wdrlaIl udKav,sl m%OdkS rùkao% úf–.=kr;ak uy;d tu iyprhkag úúo wKlsÍï isÿ we;s nj;a jd¾;d fõ'

kdúl yuqod uQ,ia:dkfha fNdackd.drfha§ nyskaniaùula isÿ jQ nj;a ta yer fjk;a .egqïla we;s fkdjqkq njg;a mjiñka fuu isÿùu hg .eiSfï ixúOdkd;aul l%shdj,shla isÿ fjñka mj;sk no fï jkúg jd¾;d fõ'

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