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fï jk úg rfÜ mj;sk w¾nqoh iduldó f,i idlÉPd u.ska úi|d .kq we;ehs uy ix>r;akh wfmalaId lrk njo f,a je.sÍï jeks isÿùï we;sjqjfyd;a úfoaY rgj,a wkjYHh n,mEï isÿ lrkakg bv ;sfnk njo wia.sß md¾Yjfha uykdhl  jrldf.dv [dKr;k uykdysñfhda mejeiqy'

tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjreka jk ,laIauka lsßwe,a," mdG,S pïmsl rKjl" rù lreKdkdhl" f–'iS w,j;=j, hk uy;ajreka wo ^04& fmrjrefõ wia.sß uy úydrhg f.dia uykdysñhka neyeÿgq wjia:dfõ Wkajykafia fï nj lSy'

fï fudfydf;a úfoaY rgj,ska furgg úúO ;yxÑ oeóug W;aiy lrkafka kï Bg tfrysj mlaI fNaofhka f;drj t'cd'm'h we;=¿ iEu mlaIhlau  ishÆ fokd tlaj uqyqK Èh hq;= nj;a tjeks wjia:djl fuu ;yxÑ oeóug tfrysj lghq;= lsÍu jeo.;a nj;a uykdysñfhda mejiQy'

cd;Hka;r jYfhka hï hï n,mEï t,a, jkafka kï tu wjia:dfõ fuu fomd¾Yjh tl;= fj,d Bg uqyqK §u jeo.;a hehs fuys§ woyia oelajQ wia.sß md¾Yjfha f,aLldêldÍ  ueo.u Oïudkkao kdysñfhda mejeiqy'

mj;sk ;;a;ajh ;=< m%cd;ka;%jdoh iqrlaIs; lsÍu msKsi md¾,sfïka;=j yels blaukska le|ùu ldf,daÑ; njo Wkajykafia uka;%sjreka yuqfõ mejeiqy'

rks,a úl%isxy uy;df.a wdrlaIdj ;yjqre lsÍu b;d jeo.;a nj;a ckm;s yd w.ue;s fï iïnkaOfhka wjOdkh fhduq l< hq;=j ;sfnk nj;a f,aLldêldÍ ysñfhda  mejeiqy'

fuys§ woyia oelajQ md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ,laIauka lsßwe,a, uy;d fufia i|yka lf<ah'

,blauKska md¾,sfïka;=j le|ùu ;=<ska ishÆ m%Yak ksrdlrKh ù rfÜ w.ue;s ljqo hkak ;SrKh lsÍu md¾,sfïka;=jg ndrÈh hq;=hs' wo jkúg cd;Hka;rh Y%S ,xldj foi n,d isákjd' ljqo kshu w.ue;s" ljqo kshu weue;s uKav,h lshk m%Yakh Tjqkag ;sfnkjd, hehs ,laIauka lsßwe,a, uy;d lSh'

fuu msßi u,aj;= md¾Yjfha uykdhl ;síngqjdfõ Y%S isoaOd¾: iqux., uykdysñhkao neyeoel wdYs¾jdo ,nd.;a w;r tu wjia:djg md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjreka jk ohd .uf.a" .dó” chúl%u fmf¾rd" rxð;a uoaÿu nKavdr" ,lS chj¾Ok" rxð;a wÆúydf¾ hk uy;ajreo iyNd.s jQy'

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