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lsisu fya;=jla u; isx.mamQre .súiqu wfydais fkdlrk nj;a th isx.mamQrejgo jdisjk whqßka ilia lrk nj;a l=uka;%K wdKavqfõ cd;Hka;r fjf<| yd wdfhdack m%j¾Ok wud;Hjrhd f,i lghq;= lrk nkaÿ, .=Kj¾Ok uy;d i|yka lrhs'

fuu .súiqu isx.mamQre rch rjgd f,dal iïu;hg msáka w;aika lr we;s .súiqula nj;a nkaÿ, .=Kj¾Ok uy;d wjOdrKh lrhs'

“wfma rfÜ ffjoH úfYaI{hka" bkaðfkarejreka" .KldêldÍjreka" úYajúoHd, wdpd¾h uydpd¾hjreka we;=¿ úoaj;=ka §¾> ld,hla ;siafia isx.mamQre fj<| .súiqug úreoaOj úYd," oejeka; wr.,hla f.k .shd'

ksis wjirhlska f;drj isx.mamQrej;a rjÜgñka fuu .súiqu w;aika l< njg ;uhs rfÜ §¾> ld,hla mej;=kq fpdaokdj' tys§ wms ksrka;rfhka i|yka lf<a rchla jYfhka fordcHhgu jdisodhl jk f,i ´kEu rgla iu. f,dalfha iïu; l%ufõohg wkqj ksoyia fj<| .súiqï we;slr.ekSug wfma lsis úreoaO;djhla fkdue;s njhs'”

flfia kuq;a" rch ffjoH ks<OdÍkaf.a ix.uh o wo nkaÿ, .=Kj¾Ok uy;d yuqù ;sfí'

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