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Y%s ,xldj cd;Hka;r Kh fYa%Ks.; lsÍïj,ska my< oud we;s nj;a " úfoia Kh jdßl f.ùfï ÿIalr;djg Y%S ,xldj m;aj we;s nj;a tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh mjihs'

ux., iurùr iy wdpd¾h y¾I o is,ajd hk uka;%Sjreka Bfha ^20& fld<U mej;s udOH yuqjlÈ fï woyia m< lf<ah'

ms<sfkd.kakd fydr rchlg fyda fydr w.ue;sjrfhl=g uqo,a fjka lsÍula isÿ l< fkdyels nj;a" wvq ;rñka ckdêm;sjrhdg fyda ckdjdÍ ui 1 ka miqj uqo,a fjka l< fkdyels nj o ux., iurùr uy;d mjid isáfhah'

oeka fyda w;=re iïu; .súiqula f.k wd hq;= nj;a" 2019 i|yd f.k taug ;snQ whjeh tys§ bÈßm;a lsÍug ;ud iqodkï nj o iurùr uy;d fuys§ lshd isáfhah'

fuu m%Yakfhka f.dv taug lsisÿ úl,amhla fkdue;s nj;a" ;snq rch ckdêm;sjrhd úiska ms<s.; hq;= nj;a tfia fkdue;s kï w;=re iïu; .súiqu f.k tafuka miq md¾,sfïka;=fõ Pkaohla fj; hd hq;=j we;s nj;a ux., iurùr uy;d fuys§ mejiSh'

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