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ckdêm;sjrhd yuq ù wud;HOQrhla ,nd .ekSug hk njg úúO udOH u.ska f.k hk m%pdr iïmQ¾Kfhkau idjoH nj ffjoH rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d mjihs'

fï jkúg;a rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d m%uqL tlai;a cd;sl fmruqfKa nyq;rh iQodkï nj;a th yels blaukska md¾,sfïka;=fõ fmkaùu ;u wNs,dIh nj;a ffjoH rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d mjihs'

m%cd;ka;% úfrdaë fukau 2015 ckjdß 8 jeksod hymd,khla ioyd pkaoh ÿka 62 fo,laIhla ck;djf.a me;=ï j,g úreoaO lsisu l=uka;%Khlg ;ud lsisúfgl;a wkqn, fkdfok nj;a miqmi fodfrka f.dia weu;slula f.k m%cd;ka;%jdoh mdjd §ug ;ud lsisúfgl;a lghq;= fkdlrk nj ffjoH rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d mjihs'

;ud fi!LH weu;sjrhdj isáh§ úúO cdjdrïldr iud.ï j,g fukau ÿïfld< iy T!IO ud*shdjkag hg fkdù wka; ¥Is;hkag" fydrekag" cdjrïlrejkag tfrysj igka l, w;r úúO Ôú; ;¾ck ueo ndOl ueo ÿïfld< ksIamdok j,g oeä kS;s mkjñka T!IO ñ, wvq lf,a ck;dj fjkqfjka nj;a ffjoH rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d mjihs'

;ud lsisúfgl;a cdjdrïldr iud.ï j, ´kEtmdlï j,g wjk; fkdjQ fyhska Tjqkaf.a l¿ i,a,s fhdojd iuyrla uqo,g úlsfKk nxfldf,d;a foaYmdÆjka Tjqkaf.a fykaphshka fukau uqo,g úlsfKk iuyrla udOHlrejka ,jd wi;H m%pdrhka udOH yryd m%pdrh lrk nj;a tu wj,dohkag uv m%pdrhkag ;ud lsisúfgl;a ìh fkdjk nj;a ffjoH rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d wjOdrKh lr isáhs' ;ud bÈßhg lghq;= lrkafka cdjdrïlrejka cdjdrïldrhkag l¿ i,a,s j,g .scq nxfldf,d;a foaYmd,k w;fldÆ" iuyrla udOHlrejkag wjYH wdldrhg fkdjk ck;djf.a m%cd;ka;%jdoh iy Tjqkaf.a iqrlaIs;Ndjh wdrlaId lsßug muKla nj ffjoH rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d jeäÿrg;a mejiSh' tneúka fudjqka úiska f.k hkq ,nk wi;H m%ldY j,g fkd/jfgk f,i m%cd;ka;%jd§ Y%S ,dxlSh ck;djf.ka ffjoH rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d b,a,hs'

ffjoH rdð; fiakdr;ak ks, udOH tallh

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