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ÈhKshg Wm;a md,k fm;s ,nd §
wUq ieñhka f,i yeisfrñka
.eìKshla l< kreu mshd 

jhi wjqreÿ 9 isg ;u ÈhKsh , wmfhdackhg ,lalrñka isg fï jkúg ÈhKsh isõuia .eìKshla l< msfhl= fld<U m%foaYfha ieÛj isáh§ w;awvx.=jg .;a nj l=,shdmsáh <ud yd ldka;d ld¾hxYh m%ldY lrkjd' 
miq.shod tu isiqúh WordndOhla fya;=fjka frday,a .;lr isáh§ weh .eìKshla njg l=,shdmsáh uQ,slfrday,a mÍla‍IK j,ska fy,sù ;sfnkjd'

ielldr mshd l=,shdmsáh weUj m%foaYfha mÈxÑlrefjl= jk w;r ish ÈhKsh jeäúhg m;a wjia:dfõ mgka jßka jr tf,i wmfhdackhg ,laj ;snQ njg úkaê; ÈhKsh úiska ,ndÿka f;dr;=re u; fmd,sish wkdjrKh lrf.k ;sfnkjd'

iellre isoaêfhka wk;=rej ;sôß.iahdh m%foaYfha mqoa.,sl nexl=jl wdrla‍Il fiajfha kshe,S isák njg fmd,sish úiska isÿl< úu¾Ykhl§ fy<sù ;snQ w;r fmd,sia  ia:dkdêm;sjßhf.a m%fhda.hlska ta nj nexl=j u.ska ikd:lr.ekSfuka miqj iellre w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfnkjd'

w;awvx.=jg .;a iellre  l=,shdmsáh wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lsÍfuka wk;=rej rla‍Is; nkaOkd.dr .; lrk f,ig l=,shdmsáh jevn,k ufyaia;%d;a fckS wurisxy uy;añh kshu lr ;sfnkjd'

l=,shdmsáh fldÜGdindr fmd,sia wêldß TYdka fyajdú;drK" iyldr fmd,sia wêldÍ .dñ” ó.yl=Uqr" uQ,ia:dk m%Odk fmd,sia mÍla‍Il wð;a m%shka; hk uy;ajrekaf.a Wmfoia u; nïn,msáh fmd,sia ia:dkdêm;s m%Odk fmd,sia mÍla‍Il mÿuisß uy;df.a iyfhda.h iys;j <ud yd ldka;d ld¾hxYfha ia:dkdêm;s Wm fmd,sia mÍla‍Isld idú;%s isßudkak" fmd,sia ierhka ohdr;ak^58527& ldka;d fmd,sia fldia;dm,a pkaÈud hkwh úiska iellre w;awvx.=jg f.k ;snqKd'

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