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uOqiuhg wdmq iqÿ hqj, u;afj,d
;x.,af,a fydag,hla ñ,g .;a
wmQre l;dkaorhla

uOqiuh .;lsÍug Y%S ,xldjg meñKs n%s;dkH cd;sl hqj,la u;ameka mdkh lr wêl f,i u;aù Tjqka kjd;ekaf.k isá fydag,h ñ,§ .;a mqj;la úfoia udOH jd¾;d lr ;sfnkjd'
fuu isÿùug uqyqK § we;af;a Gina Lyons kue;s 33 yeúßÈ wfhl= iy Mark Lee kue;s 35 yeúßÈ újdyl hqj,la'

Tjqka 2017 jif¾ foieïn¾ udifha Y%S ,xldjg meñK we;af;a uOqiuh .;lsÍu i|ydhs'

tys§ Tjqka kjd;ekaf.k we;af;a ;x.,a, m%foaYfha msysá fjr<nv fydag,hlhs'

Tjqka tu fydag,fha kjd;ekaf.k isá tla rd;%shl§hs fuu iqúfYaI isÿùu jkafka'

wêl f,i îu;ska isá fuu hqj< tys fiajlfhl= iuÛ l;dnia lrñka isáh§ wod< fydag,fha nÿld,h fï jk úg wjikaj we;s nj Tyq mjid ;sfnkjd'

wêl f,i u;aù isá hqj, tys§ tlajru mjid we;af;a ;uka tu fydag,h jir ;=klg ñ, § .kakd njhs'

wjqreoaolg fydag,fha nÿ uqo, mjqï 10"000 la jk w;r wod< n%s;dkH cd;sl hqj< úiska mjqï 30000la f.jd tu fydag,h .ekSughs tlÛù we;af;a'

miqj tu uqo,ska wvla tkï mjqï 15000la f.jd tys kS;suh lghq;= wjika lr we;s nj;a tu jd¾;d fmkajd fokjd'

f.úh hq;= b;sß uqo, 2019 jif¾ f.ùughs Tjqka tlÛ ù we;af;a'

fï w;r tys§ tu hqj, miqj udOH fj; m%ldY lr we;af;a ;uka wêl f,i îu;ska .;a tu ;SrKh wdl¾I”h njhs'

mjqï 7"000 la kS;s .dia;= jYfhka iy mjqï 6"000 la fydag,fha kùlrK lghq;= i|yd jehlrkakg isÿjQ njhs Gina Lyons iy Mark Lee iskdfiñka mjikafka'

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