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kgId fmf¾rd lshkafka ckm%sh .dhsldjla' m%ix. fõÈldfõ ngysr mkakhg .hk kgId jeämqru ckm%sh bx.%Sis .dhkfhkqhs'weh m%ix. fõÈldjg ieriS isák we;eï ú,dis;d ksid fnfyúka l;dnyg ,la fjkjd' 

fï lgl;d yd úúO úfõpk ksid weh f*ianqla tlg igykla tla lrkjd' 
iudch fudkjd lsõj;a ys;=j;a ug wod< keye uu .ek' uu tajd .Kka .kafka keye lsh,d' ta iudch wjYH úÈyg ðj;a fjkak jqjukdjla keye ldgj;a' uu ljodj;a ´k úÈyg ðj;a fjkafka keye lsh,;a weh ioyka lr ;sfnkjd' fldfydu jqk;a i;=áka ksoyfia ðj;a fjkak ´k lshk tl ;uhs weh lshkafka' i;H úÈyg ðj;a fjk yeá fn!oa.fï ;sfnkjd th bf.k .kak yd iam¾Y lrkak hkqfjka igyka lrk weh idudc cd, fjí wvúj,g Tfí orejka tk tl uf.a ÿ¾j,lula fkfuhs hkqfjkq;a ioyka lr ;sfnkjd' wehf.a igyk f*ianqla ys oud ;sfnk cdhdrEm ioyd rislhska wm%idofhka ms<s;=re § ;sfnkjd'

we;efula mjikafka Tn ´k fohla lrkak lshkak nqÿoyu .ek l;d lrkak tmd' wvksrej;ska bkak Tn ta .ek l;d lrk tl idOdrKo hkak;a lfukaÜ lr ;sfnkjd'

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