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mdi,a flakao% lr.;a ,wykak, jevigyk ;=<ska mdi,a orejka w;r cd;sl iuÛsh iy ixys¢hdj ms<sn|j wdl,amuh fjkila we;s lsÍfï uq,a wÈhr wúiaidfõ,a, Ydka; ußhd úÿyf,ka Bfha ^15& Èkfha§ wdrïN úh'

fujr fuu jevigyk ioyd iïm;a odhlfhl= jYfhka ls,sfkdÉÑh isú,a wdrla‍Il n,ldfha ysgmq wKfok ks,OdÍ l¾k,a r;ak m‍%sh nkaÿ uy;d tlaj isáhs'

Tyq Y%S ,xld hqo yuqodfõ úfYaI n,ldh ksfhdackh l< wfhla jk w;r isú,a wdrla‍Il fomd¾;fuaka;=jg miq ld,Skj wkqhqla; úh' ls,sfkdÉÑh m%foaYfha ck;dj iu. b;d iqyoYS,j lghq;= l< fudyq jir yhl fiajd ld,fhka miq 2018 cqks 10 jk Èk wfòmqiai hqO yuqod l|jqrg ia:dk udrejla ,eîu fya;=fjka iufha udOH wjOdkhg ,laúh'

ia:dk udrej ,nd tk fudfydf;a ls,sfkdÉÑh ck;dj ;u mjqf,a idudðlhl= ;ukaf.ka fjkaj hkakdla fuka lÿÆ msß oEiska l¾k,a r;akm%sh nkaÿ uy;dg iuq §ug u. fomi tlaj isá wdldrh úúO udOH jd¾;d lr ;snqKs'

mdi,a flakao% lr.;a fujr ,wykak, jevigyk ;=<ska mdi,a orejka w;r cd;sl iuÛsh iy ixys¢hdj ms<sn|j wdl,amuh fjkila we;s lsÍug wfmalaIs;h'

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