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rdcldÍ lrk .uka ld¾hd,fha
u;ameka Ndú;d lrñka ncõ odmq yeá

ld¾hd, fõ,dfõ§ ld¾hd, mßY%h ;=, u;ameka ido meje;ajQ ,xld Lksc f;,a ixia:dfõ l=reKE., m%dfoaYSh ld¾hd,fha l<uKdldrjrfhla ms<sn| ysre m%jD;a;s fj; f;dr;=re jd¾;d jqKd'

wod, l<uKdldrjrhd iïnkaOfhka w,a,ia fyda ¥IK úu¾Yk fldñIka iNdjo mÍlaIKhla isÿlr ;sfnkjd'

fï idoh lsisfjl=f.a ux., idohl  fyda WmkaÈk idohl o¾Yk fm,la fkdfõ' 12 iy 13 foÈk ;=, ld¾hd, fõ,dfõ§ ,xld Lksc f;,a kS;s.; ixia:dfõ l=reKE., m%dfoaYSh ld¾hd,h ;=, fuu idoh mj;ajd we;af;a hyñka u;ameka o Ndú;hg .ksñka'

l=reKE., m%dfoaYSh ld¾hd,fha l<uKdlre jk rx.Ôj wdßhr;ak ;ukag ,o ia:dk udrej ieuÍu fjkqfjka fuu idoh mj;ajd we;s njg f;dr;=re jd¾;d jkjd'

jqjo idoh meje;aùu i|ydu ld¾hd,fha ishÆ lghq;= w;aysgqùug fuu l<uKdldr jrhd l%shdlr we;af;a thska ck;djg we;s jk ÿIalr;djhka ms<sn|j lsisÿ yeÛSula fkdue;sjhs'

idoh meje;a jQ Èk fmrjrefõo wod, l<uKdldrjrhd u;ameka mdkh lr ish rdcldÍ j, ksr; jk wldrho leurdjl igyka jqKd'

flfiafj;;a wdh;kfhau fiajlhska m%Odk ld¾hd,hg l< meñKs,s j,g wkqj fï jkúg tu ks<Odßhdf.a jev ;ykï lr ;sfnkjd'

kS;s úfrdaë f,i bkaOk msrjqï y,a j,g wjir ,nd §u" jHdc w;aika fhdod .ekSu wd§ fpdaokd /ila t,a, ù we;s fuu l<uKdldrjrhd iïnkaOfhka w,a,ia fyda ¥IK úu¾Yk fldñIka iNdjo mÍlaIKhla wdrïN lr ;sfnkjd'

fujeks ks,OdÍka m%Odk;ajh ork ;;a;ajhla ;=, uyck uqo,ska kv;a;= jk ,xld Lksc f;,a ixia:dj Èfkka Èk mdvq ,eìu úu;shg lreKla fkdfõ'

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