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bkaÈh frda T;a;= fiajh ;ud >d;kh lsÍug ;e;a lrk njg ckdêm;s ffu;‍%smd, isßfiak uy;d bl=;a 16 jeksod meje;s leìkÜ /qiaùfï§ mejiQ njg foaYSh iy úfoaYSh we;eï udOHj, m<ù we;s mqj; wi;H nj ckdêm;s ld¾hd,h ksfõokhla ksl=;a lrñka m‍%ldY lr isáhs' tu ksfõokfha fufia o i|yka lr we;'

ckdêm;sjrhd >d;kh lsÍu i|yd l%shd;aul ù hEhs lshk l=uka;%K ;e; iïnkaOfhka idlÉPd isÿflÍ ;sfí' fuu isÿùï iïnkaOfhka mq¿,a mÍla‍IKhla‌ meje;aùfï wjYH;dj ckdêm;sjrhd úiska wjOdrKh lr we;' fld<U jrdfha kef.kysr m¾hka;h ixj¾Okh lsÍu ms<sn|j;a leìkÜ‌ /ia‌ùfï§ idlÉPd lrkq ,eîh'

bkaÈhdj iy Y%S ,xldj w;r È.=ld,Sk Yla‌;su;a iïnkaOhla‌ mj;S' wod< mqj; iïnkaOj ckdêm;sjrhd Bfha ^17 jeksod& Woeik bka§h uy flduidßia‌jrhdg o lreKq meyeÈ,s lr fokq ,eîh'

we;eï foaYmd,k md¾Yj Y%S ,xldj;a bkaÈhdj;a w;r mj;sk in|;djg ydksjk wdldrfhka lghq;= lsÍu wjdikdjka; isÿùuls'

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