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miq.shodl ird.S k¾;khl ksr;jQ ksrEmK .dhsld kgdId r;akdhl wehg t,a,jQ iudc udOH mSvkh yuqfõ §¾> meyeÈ,s lsÍula miq.shod isÿ lrk ,eîfuka fkdkej;S Bfha ^12& kej;;a ta .ek igykla ;nñka fn!oaO ysñ kula fï .ek lshQ nKl ùäfhda fldgilao bÈßm;a lrñka ish u;h kej; meyeÈ,s lr ;sfí'

weh mjikafka flfkl= l=uk we÷ula we|f.k isáh;a tu ;eke;a;df.a jeo.;alug th ñkqula fkdjk nj;a tu ;eke;a;d udkqIslj wkHhka yd iïnkaO jk wdldrh muKla jeo.;ajk nj;ah' 

flfkl=f.a we÷u lduql ùu n,k flkdf.a is; wkqj ;SrKh jkakla njg meyeÈ,s lrk nKl ùäfhda fldgila weh fn!oaOhka fuh oek.;hq;=hhs lshñka yqjudre lr ;snqfka my; mßoafoks'

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