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ckdêm;sjrhd yd ysgmq wdrlaIl f,alï >d;k ;e; iïnkaO fy<sorõj ms<sn| wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=j isÿlrk mÍlaIK iïnkaOfhka iïmQ¾K úYajdih ;sfnk kuq;a" isoaêfha i;H" wi;H;adj mÍlaIKj,ska fy<s lsÍug fmr th wi;Hhla f,i hgm;a lsÍug W;aidy lsÍu .egÆjla nj ckdêm;s fcHIaG WmfoaYl kS;s{ Ysrd,a ,la;s,l uy;d mejiSh‍'

fï ms<sn| fy<s jQ Èk isg fï olajd È. yereKq mÍlaIK f;dr;=re wkqj tys hïlsis ;SrKd;aul njla ;sfí hehs yefÛk njo fyf;u fmkajd ÿka w;r" wod< fmd,sia ks,Odßhdf.a jev ;ykug ,lalsÍu Bg ksoiqkla f,i fmkajd ÿkafkah'

ta wkqj fuu isoaêh jl%j fyda Rcqj hgm;a lsÍug W;aiy lsÍu" wj;lafiarejg ,lalsÍu" yriqka m%ldYla f,i hgm;a lsÍug W;aiy lsÍu .egÆ iy.; nj fmkajd ÿka w;r fuh foaYmd,k fyda fjk;a mqoa., l=uka;%Khla fyda úh yels nj i|yka flf<ah'

óg wod< yඬ mgfha lg yඬ wod< fmd,sia ks,Odßhdf.a yd fy<s l< mqoa.,hdf.a lg yඬg iudk njg ri mÍlaIl jd¾;dj úoHd;aulj ;yjqre lr ;sîu o >d;k isoaêfha we;s ;SrKd;aul nj ;jÿrg;a y÷kd .; yels njo fyf;u fmkajd ÿkafkah'

fuys§ úfoaYslhl= iïnkaOfhka o fy<sj we;s w;r isoaêh m%,dmhla f,i neyer l< fkdyels nj lSfõh'

udOH u.ska fï lreK fy<s lsÍu ms<sn| fyf;u ia;=;sh m< l< w;r ;j ÿrg;a fuu ldrKh hgm;aùug fkd§ tys i;H wi;H;dj fy<slr .ekSug;a ck;dj oekqj;a lsÍug;a iydh jk f,io udOHfhka ,la;s,l uy;d b,a,d isáfha h'

fld<U ksfmdaka fydag,fha Bfha ^18& meje;s ckdêm;s >d;k isoaêh ms<sn| úfYaI udOH yuqfõ§ Ysrdka ,la;s,l uy;d tu lreKq wkdjrKh lf<a h'

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