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fndfyda fofkl=f.a wjOdkh fhduqjQ bkaOk ñ, iQ;%h iïnkaOj jeo.;a meyeÈ<s lsÍula w.%dud;Hjrhd úiska isÿlr we;'

w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy fuu meyeÈ<s lsÍu isÿlrkq ,enqfõ l=reKE., weyegqjej m%foaYfha § mej;s W;aij iNdjla wu;ñks'

fï jk úg f,dalfha fndfyda rgj, fujeks l%ufõo Ndú;fha ;sfnk nj;a kuq;a fï l%uhg wkq.;ùug furgg m<mqreoaola fkdue;s neúka m<uqj i;shlg jrla ixfYdaOkh lsÍug fhdað;j ;snQ f,dal fj<|fmd<g idfmalaIj rg ;=< bkaOk ñ, ;SrKh ùu fjkqjg uilg jrla th l%shd;aul lsÍug iQodkï l, njo w.%dud;Hjrhd mejiSh' 

ta wkqj j¾;udkfha furg bkaOk ñ, .Kkh jk wdldrho w.%dud;Hjrhd fufia meyeÈ<slr isáfhah'

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