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kdêm;s ffu;s‍%md, isßfiak iy ysgmq wdrla‍Il f,alï f.daGdNh rdcmla‍I hk uy;ajreka >d;kh lsÍug l=uka;‍%Kh l< njg fpdaokd ,en isák ;‍%ia; úu¾Yk tallfha ysgmq m‍%OdkS ksfhdacH fmd,siam;s kd,l o is,ajd uy;d jev ;ykug ,la lr we;' 

fuu l=uka;%K isoaêh fy<sùfuka miq ksfhdacH fmd,sia‌m;sjrhd ;%ia‌; úu¾Yk tallfhka bj;a lr wksjd¾h ksjdvq hEùug fmd,sia‌ uQ,ia‌:dkh óg fmr lghq;= lr ;sìKs'

ksfhdacH fmd,sia‌m;sjrhd jev ;ykug ,la‌ lsÍfuka miq Tyqg fmd,sia‌ fomd¾;fïka;=fjka ,nd § ;snQ ks, ksji" ks, jdyk iy ks, we÷ï we;=¿ wfkl=;a ishÆ myiqlï wdmiq Ndr Èh hq;= nj o fmd,sia‌ uQ,ia‌:dkh mjihs' 

fï w;r fuu l=uka;%K isoaêh iïnkaOfhka m%Yak lsÍï i|yd wo ^18 jeksod& Èk wmrdO mÍla‍IK fomd¾;fïka;=j yuqfõ fmkS isák f,i o kd,l o is,ajd uy;dg oekqï § we;'

fuu l=uka;%K isoaêh uq,skau fy<slr ;snqfKa ¥IK úfrdaë n<ldfha wOHla‍I kdu,a l=udr uy;d úisks' tu fy<sorõfjka miq wmrdO mÍla‍IK fomd¾;fïka;=j fï iïnkaOfhka úu¾Ykhla‌ wdrïN l< w;r ysgmq wdrla‍Il f,alï f.daGdNh rdcmla‍I uy;df.ka iy fcHIaG fmd,sia‌ ks,OdÍka msßilf.ka o m%ldY ,nd.kakd ,§'

fkdauka m,syjvk iy fyauka; rkaÿKq

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