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n%s;dkH uy /ð‍Kf.a ñKsìßhl jk hqðka l=ußhf.a újdy W;aijh tx.,ka;fha úkaâi¾ys Ydka; fcda¾Ê foajia:dkfha§ meje;aúKs'

rc Wreufha kj jekafka miqjk weh újdy jQfha" È.= l,la ish fmïj;d jQ cela nDDlaianEkala iu. h'

t,sifn;a uy /ðK" *s,sma l=ure we;=¿ rdclSh mjqf,a idudðlhska iu. k¿" ks<shka" .dhl" .dhsldjka we;=¿ wdrdê;hska 850 fofkla fuu W;aijhg iyNd.s jQy'

ux., we÷fï úfYaI;ajh

hqðka l=ußhf.a ux., we÷u flfrys fï jk úg fndfyda fofkl=f.a wjOdkh fhduqj ;sfí' ta" weh iqúfYaIS wruqKla fjkqfjka th ks¾udKh lsÍu fya;=fjks'

tu ux., we÷u wef.a fld÷ weg fm< fyd¢ka fmfkk mßÈ ilia lr ;snQ w;r weh mejiqfõ" ,uu wjqreÿ 12 § fld÷ weg fm< wdY%s;j Y,Hl¾uhlg uqyqK ÿkakd' ta fj,dfõ ug Woõ lrmq ishÆ fokdg l<.=K ie,lSula f,ihs uu fï we÷u ks¾udKh lf<a, hkqfjks'

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