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mlaIh úkdY lrk" wdKavqj úkdY lrk tfiau fï uq¿ u;jdohu úkdY lrk fo;=ka fofkla wdKavqj ;=< bkakd nj;a fudjqka t<shg oeóu w.ue;sjrhdf.a j.lSu… nj;a" w.ue;s;=udf.a wkd.;h;a" rfÜ wkd.;h;a" rcfha wkd.;h;a" mlaIfha wkd.;h;a ;Skaÿ flfrkafka fï wg mdia ke;s" Pkao 05la .;af;a ke;s fï weue;sjreka bj;a lrk Èkh wkqj nj;a md¾,sfïka;= uka;%s p;=r fiakdr;ak uy;d mejeiSh'

ta uy;d fï woyia m< lf<a je,sfõßh weUr¿j m%foaYfha meje;s m%cd i;aldrhlg iyNd.s jQ wjia:dfõ udOHg woyia olajñks'

jeäÿrg;a woyia olajñka ta uy;d fufiao lSh'

‘wg mdia ke;s weue;sjreka wd¾:slh n,d .kak bkakjd' msgrg b|,d wdmq wd¾:sl WmfoaYlfhda bkakjd' ck;djf.a oyÈh iqj| okafka ke;s wd¾:sl úfYaI{fhda bkakjd' fï Tlafldu t<j,d od,d tod fï rch f.akak uykais jQ ienE úoaj;=ka nqoaêu;=ka fuh Ndr.; hq;=hs lshk ;ek uu bkakjd'’

‘remsh, md lr,d fï fjk wd¾:sl úkdYh wms fmkakd ÿkafka óg f.dvla l,ska' wms fïjd mlaI kdhl /iaùïj,§ lsõjd' w.ue;s;=udf.a úYajdiNx.fhaÈ;a uu fl<skau lsõjd' wms lshk foaj,a fï wh weish hq;=hs'’

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