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wdndê; rKúrejka úY%du jegqm fkdj" Ôj;a jkf;la Tjqkag jegqma f.ùu iïnkaOfhka i<ld n,d we;s wdrlaIl wud;HdxYh fï iïnkaOfhka leìkÜ wkque;sh ,nd .ekSug Cghq;= lrf.k hhs'

fï jk úg wdndê; rKúrejkag fiiq §ukd iuÛ úY%du .kakd f;la jegqm ,nd fohs' úY%du f.dia isák msßig jegqfmka ishhg wiqmyla úY%du jegqm iuÛ ;j;a ishhg myf<djla iq/l=ï Èukdj o iuÛ ishhg ishhla ,nd fohs'

wdndê; rKúrejka óg Èk lsysmhlg fmr Woaf>daIKhla lrñka b,a,d isáfha úY%du jegqm Tjqkag m%udKj;a fkdjk nj;a" úY%du jegqm fkdj ðú; ld,h mqrdu jegqm f.jk f,ihs'

wdrlaIl wud;HdxYh ñg fmro fï iïnkaOfhkawjOdkh fhduq lr isá w;r" fï jk úg tu b,a,Su ,nd§ug wjYH kS;suh lghq;= lrf.k hk nj wdrlaIl wud;HdxYh mshjr f.k we;' wdndê; rKúrejkaf.a ishÆ úia;r ;%súO yuqodj,ska ,nd f.k we;' jeä ld,hla .;ùug fmr tu b,a,Sï ,nd §ug yels njo mejfia'

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