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rjgd fydag,a ldurhlg wrka .shd hehs
.=jka fiaúldjl iy bkaÈSh .dhsldjlf.ka 
w¾cqkg yd ud,sx.g tfrysj fpdaokdjla

Y%S ,xld fõ ku nen,jQ l%slÜ l%Svlhka fofofkl=g w;jr lsÍug W;aiy l< njg bka§h ldka;djka fofofkl= fpdaokd lr we;s nj bka§h udOH jd¾;d lrkjd

fuu fpdaokdj t,a, lr we;af;a ysgmq bka§h .=jka fiaúldjl yd ku fy<s lsÍug wlue;s ldka;djl úiskqhs' flfia fj;;a ñka m<uq fpdaokdj t,a,ù we;af;a ysgmq kdhlfhl= fukau j;auka wud;Hjrfhl= f,i lghq;= lrk w¾cqk rK;=x. uyd;g tfrysjhs'
fï w;r ;u ku fy<slßug wlue;s jQ ldka;djla mjid we;af;a jir lsysmhlg fmr whsmst,a ;rÛdj,shla w;r;=r§ Y%S,xld l%Svlfhl= ;ukaj rjgd fydag,a ldurhla ;=<g /f.k .sh njhs'fï w;r wod< l%Svlhd ,is;a ud,sx. nj bka§h .dhsldjl jk Ñkaudhs Y%Smod wef.a ájg¾ .sKqu Tiafia m%ldY lr ;sfnkjd'

;udg , wv;af;agï lsÍug W;aiy l< njg f*ianqla igykla oud we;s wod< .=jka fiaúldj óg jir .Kkdjlg fmr bkaÈhdfõ mej;s ;rÛdj,shla w;r;=r Y%S,xld lKavdhu kjd;eka f.k isá fydag,fha msyskqï ;gdlh wi<§ rK;=x. uy;d ;udg w;jr lsÍug W;aiy l< nj i|yka lr ;sfnkjd'

flfia fj;;a fï ms<sn|j iudc udOH Tiafia woyia olajñka fndfyda bkaÈhdkqjka mjikafka fï Èkj, bkaÈhdfõ me;sr hk , ysxik fy<sorõ lsÍfï iudc cd, /,a,la fya;=fõka we;euqka m%sioaO mqoa.,hka iïnkaO lrf.ksñka jHdc mqj;a ks¾udKh lrk njhs'tfukau Tjqka tjeks jrola isÿl<d kï jir .Kklg miq th m%ldY fkdlr ta fudfydf;a kS;s u.ska lghq;= fkdlf<a wehs oehs Tjqka úuihs'

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