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,nk fkdjeïn¾ udifha § iamd[a[fha§ meje;afjk f,dal lKsIaG fpia YQr;djh i|yd jhi wjqreÿ ^10& my< ldKavfha Y%S ,xldj ksfhdackh lrñka imq.ialkao fhdISvd úoHd,fha ;re,s úyiakd rx.kd;a isiqúh iyNd.S ùug kshñ;h'

f,dal fpia iïfï,kh úiska jd¾Islj fuu ;,sh ixúOdkh lrhs' ;re,s "2017 jif¾ § wjqreÿ ^10 & oyfhka my< ldka;d iuia; ,xld YQr;djho Èkd .;a w;r od ;dhs,ka;fha mej;s 14 jeks wdishdkq lKsIaG fpia ;,sfha § " rgj,a 51 w;ßka wjqreÿ ^10 & oyfhka my< ldka;d wxYfha ;u lKavdhu iu. ߧ yd f,dalv molalï Èkd .;a;dh'

mdif,a m<uq jif¾ isg fpia l%Svdjg fhduq jQ ;re,s " fï jkúg foia úfoia ;r. mkylg jvd ch f.k we;'

kj.uqfõ fIkai lúIal uy;df.a WmfoaYl;ajh hgf;a fpia l%Svdj m%.=K lrk weh lshd isáfha " f,dal YQr;djfha § "tlai;a wrdì tó¾ rdcHfha rjqvd "Wiafnlsia:dkhfha wIal+Id lilia:dkfha fiÍka iy fvkSId m%n, ;r.lrejka f,i ;ukag yuqjQ njhs'

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