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f,dafla ,iaiku .=jka fiaúldj bkafka Ökfha lsõfjd;a ljqrej;au úYajdi lrk tlla keye'kuq;a ta we;a; nj úfoia udOH jd¾;d lr ;sfnkjd' 23 yeúßÈ weh Ökfha Malaysia  ðj;a fjkafka' ku Mabel Goo'

fï fjkfldg fï rEm iqkaoßh .ek fndfyda fokdf.a wjodkh fhduq fj,d ;sfnk nj jd¾;d fjkjd' wehf.a iudc cd, fjí wvú ioyd fhduq lrk chdrEm ioyd fndfyda ;reKhka úYd, f,i m%;spdr olajd ;sfnkjd' 

ta iudc cd, fjí wvúhg mKsúv tjk ;reKhka mjd isák nj;a ioyka fjkjd' .=jka fiaúldjlg wu;ru weh ksoyia k¾;k Ys,amskshla úÈyg;a lghq;= lrkjd' ta ú;rla fkfuhs weh jHdmdr iïnkaOfhka wOHdmkh ,nk nj;a ioyka'

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