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kdúl yuqodj úiska ukakdru uq,a,sl=,ï .ïudkfha wla‌lr 77 la‌ ksoyia‌ fldg tajdfhys whs;slrejkag Ndr §fuka miqj .ïudkhg we;=¿jk m%Odk ud¾.fha ndOl o 21 od bj;a lrkq ,eîh'

ukakdru uq,a,sl=,u .ïudkfha jeisfhda hqo iufha§ fï m%foaYh w;yer hefuka miqj kdúl yuqodj tys l|jqrla‌ bÈfldg m<df;a wdrla‍Il lghq;= ;yjqre lrkq ,eîh'

fï jk úg uq,a,sl=,u .ïudkfha jeisfhda lKa‌vdhï jYfhka uq,a,sl=,u .ïudkhg meñfKñka isák w;r Tjqkag kdúl yuqodfjka fndfyda iyk i,id §u o isÿ lrkq ,nhs'

uq,a,sl=,u m%Odk kdúl yuqod l|jqf¾ wdrla‍Idjg fhdod ;snQ ud¾. ndOl .ïudkfha jeishkaf.a .ukd .uk lghq;=j,g ndOdjla‌ ù ;snQ neúka tajd bj;a lsÍu kdúl yuqod ks,OdÍka úiska isÿ l<y'

fï wjia‌:djg uq,a,sl=,u lf;da,sl foajia‌:dkfha m%Odk msh;=ud yd .ïjdiSka úYd, msßila‌ meñK kdúl yuqodjg Tjqkaf.a i;=g m%ldY fldg isáhy'

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