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/lshd W;amdokh lrñka wd¾:sl .eg¿ wju lsÍu i|yd úfYaI jHdmD;shla wdrïN lsÍug rch jirlg fldaá 5000la fjka lr we;s nj cd;sl m%;sm;a;s iy wd¾:sl lghq;= rdcH weue;s ksfrdaIka fmf¾rd uy;d mejish' 2019 jif¾ isg 2021 jir olajd t<fUk jir ;=kl ld, isudj b,lal lr.ksñka tl jirlg fldaá 5000la fjkajk mßÈ jir ;=k i|yd fldaá 15000l wdfhdackh hgf;a fuu jHdmD;sh isÿ flfrk njhs rdcH weue;s ksfrdaIka fmf¾rd uy;d lshd isáfha'

cd;sl wd¾:sl iNdj u.ska fhdað; fuu úfYaI jHdmD;sh ishÆ Èia;%sla iy ue;sjrK fldÜGdi wdjrKh jk mßÈ l%shd;aul lsÍughs ie,iqï lr we;af;a' ta wkqj Èjhsfka ishÆ .%du ks,OdÍ jiï ksfhdackh jk mßÈ wju jYfhka jHdmdr tla,la‍I y;,sia oyila ^1"40"000& wdrïN lsÍug kshñ;hs'

uq,sl jYfhka /lshd W;amdokh yd wd¾:sl j¾Okh flakao% lr .;a Yla;su;a wd¾:sl jevigykla Y%S ,xldj jeks rglg mej;Su b;d jeo.;a' úfYaIfhka rfÜ mj;sk wvq j¾Ok wkqmd;h" rdcH uq,H iy f.jqï fYaI .eg¿" by< rdcH Kh" ;reK m%cdj ;=, mj;sk ú/lshdj" by< hk ðjk úhou" ixj¾Ok úIu;d jeks id¾j wd¾:sl iy iudc wiu;=,s;;djkag ms,shula f,i fujeks jevigykla l%shd;aul úhhq;=hs' úfYaIfhka wd¾:sl .eg¿ úioñka mqrjeishkag ia:sridr wkd.;hla Wod lsÍu i|yd rgla f,i ie,lsh hq;= wd¾:sl j¾Ok fõ.hla w;am;a lr .ekSu wjYHhs'

fuu jevigyk u.ska fiajd kshqla;sh by, kexùu wruqKq lr.ksñka mqoa.,hska" jHjidhlhka" rdcH iy fm!oa.,sl wdh;k lrkq ,nk wdfhdack by< oeóug Èß .ekaùula isÿ fj;ehs wfmalaId lrkjd' fiajd W;amdokh" kj wdfhdack" NdKav ksIamdokh by, ;,hlg f.k tau ;=,ska foaYSh iy cd;Hka;r wd¾:sl mqk¾Ôjkhla we;slsÍug o yels jkq we;s njhs rdcH weue;s ksfrdaIka fmf¾rd uy;d jeä ÿrg;a i|yka lf<ah'

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