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Y%S ,xld úÿ,sn, uKav,h úiska l=vd c, úÿ,sn,d.dr ysñhka 16 fofkl=f.ka úÿ,sh ñ,§ .ekSu ioyd w;aika l, kj .súiqïj, fodaYhka ;sìh§ leìkÜ uKav,h yryd Bg ffk;sl j,x.=Ndjhla ,nd .ekSug úÿ,s n, uKav,fha by< ks,OdÍka úiska lghq;= lsÍu ksid rgg remsh,a ñ,shk 3500l w,dNhla isÿjkq we;ehs wfma Y%S ,xld cd;sl jHdmdrh fpdaokd lrkjd' 

tu jHdmdrh Bfha ^11& fld<U iudc iy iduhsl flakao%fha isÿl, m%jD;a;s idlÉcdjl§ fï nj wkdjrKh l,d' 
jir 15l .súiqï ld,h wjika ùu ksid l=vd c, úÿ,sn,d.dr 26la iuÛ kj úÿ,sh ñ,§ .ekSfï .súiqï j,g hkak úÿ,s n, uKav,hg isÿfj,d ;shkjd' 2010 jif¾ uKav,h yÿkajdÿka kj l%ufõoh hgf;a fuu .súiqï j,g t<fUkjd' merKs n,d.dr jir 15la iïmQ¾K lr ;sfnk ksid Tjqkag kj n,d.drhlg úÿ,s tallhla i|yd f.jk uqo,u f.úh hq;= keye' Tjqka jir 15 mqrdu úÿ,sh úls”fuka ,dN ,enQ ksid Tjqkag úÿ,s tallhla ksmojkak hk úhou wvqhs' idudkHfhka remsh,a 5'23la tallhla ioyd f.ùu m%udKj;a' kuq;a oeka ñ,§ .ekSug ierfikafka remsh,a 8'41lg' 

n,d.drhl idudkH wdhq ld,h jir 20la' 

kuq;a Tjqka úYd, uqo,la fhdoj,d tu n,d.dr wÆ;ajeähd lr,d ;shkjkï muKla Tjqkag ;rula by< uqo,la f.úh hq;=hs' ta úhoï l, uqo, Wmhkak' th ;uhs ksjerÈ l%uh'

n,d.drh 10la  tlÛ jqKd ta l%uhg 2010 kj .dia;= l%ufha wjika jir 5 i|yd jk tall .dia;=jg uKav,hg úÿ,sh imhkak'  kuq;a n,d.dr 16la  th m%;slafIam lr,d jeä ñ,la b,aÆjd' rdcH ks,OdÍka fhdojd Tjqka leìkÜ uKav,h mjd fkduÛ hjñka jeä ñ,lg úÿ,sh ñ,§ .ekSug iQodkï jkjd'  lsisÿ wÆ;ajeähdjla fkdl, n,d.dr ioyd kj n,d.drhlg f.jk by< uqo,u f.ùug leìkÜ uKav,hg fhdackdjla bÈßm;a lr ;sfnkjd' 

c,h rfÜ ck;dj i;= iïm;la' thska whq;= ,dN Wmhkak fokak neye' remsh,a ñ,shk 3500la lshkafka úYd, uqo,la' wms fï jxpdjg úreoaOj wêlrK l%shdud¾.hla .kakjd', hkqfjka wfma Y%S ,xld cd;sl jHdmdrfha iNdm;s úuqla;s ÿYdka; rdjKisxy tfia woyia m<l,d'

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