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wud;H w¾cqk rK;=x. uy;d udOH yuqj weu;+ whqre' Lksc f;,a iïm;a ixj¾Ok ld¾hdxYfha wOHla‍I ckrd,a jðr oikdhl uy;d o fuys isà' msx;+rh - ksu,a ohdr;ak

 jir 20 l ld,hla‌ fu.fjdÜ‌ 300 ne.ska úÿ,sh ksmoúh yels ia‌jNdúl jdhq ksêhla‌ ukakdrï fo%daKsfhka yuqù we;ehs Lksc f;,a iïm;a ixj¾Ok weue;s w¾cqk rK;=x. uy;d ^22 od& mejiSh'

 fuu ksêh >k wä 350 lska hqla‌; nj;a th ixj¾Ok lghq;= i|yd fhdod .ekSug újD; fgkav¾ le|ùula‌ bÈß Èkj,§ isÿlsÍug kshñ; nj;a ^22 od& tu wud;HdxYfha mej;s udOH yuqjlg tla‌fjñka weue;sjrhd mejiSh'

 f;,a iy .Eia‌ ksê .fõIKh lrk ,ia‌,ïnqcd, kue;s cd;Hka;r iud.u úiska ukakdrï fo%daKsh fldgia‌ lr l< ksÍla‍IKfha§ ztï 2Z f,i kï l< fldgfia fuu ia‌jNdúl .Eia‌ ksêh mj;sk njo weue;sjrhd wjOdrKh lr isáfhah'

 fuu ksêh ukakdrï fo%daKsfha óg¾ 1500 l .eUqre uqyqfoa isg ;j;a óg¾ 2000 la‌ muK NQ.;j msysgd ;sfnk njo weue;sjrhd lSh' fuu ksêh ,nd.ekSu i|yd weußlka fvd,¾ ñ,shk 750 l muK wdfhdackhla‌ l< hq;= njo ta i|yd cd;Hka;r fjf<|mf<a fgkav¾ le|ùula‌ isÿlrk njo weue;sjrhd mejiSh'

 Y%S ,xldj ;=< Lksc f;,a iïm; ;sfíoehs fidhd fï Èkj, mÍla‍IK isÿlrk nj;a thg ;j udi 06 la‌ jeks ld,hla‌ .;jk nj;a ta uy;d lSh'

 fuys§ Lksc f;,a iïm;a ixj¾Ok f,alï ld¾hd,fha wOHla‍I ckrd,a jðr Èidkdhl uy;d o woyia‌ oela‌ùh'

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