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Advertisement Èkj, wd¾ckaákdfõ nqj¾fkd¾ia wh¾iays mej;s 2018 fhdjqka T,sïmsla ;,sh wo 18 wjika úh' tys§ Y%S ,xld kduh bÈßfha f.!rjkSh igyka ;nkakg 
mdró"fikqre"ä,dka yd fI,skavd iu;a jQy' mdró udßiafg,d muKla f,dalv molalula ,nd.;a kuq;a ishÆ l%Svlhskaf.a oialï by< idOk uÜgul mej;sKs' tajd my; mßÈh'

Parami Maristella -2000m St.Chase - Bronze medal with PB 6:33…+

Seniru Amarasinghe - High Jump - Overall 4th - Eq.PB 2.14m
Dilan Bogoda -400m - Overall 7th - PB 48.52sec
Shelinda Jansen - 200m - Oveall 9th - PB 24.07sec

úfYaIfhkau Bfha fI,skavd fckaika óg¾ 200 uQ,sl jgfha 2 jk ;r.h m<uqjekshd f,i ch.%yKh lf<a w;S;fha iqika;sld chisxy yd ouhka;s o¾Yd f,dalh yuqfõ ;enQ jd¾;djkag wdikak oialula olajñks'^ ;;amr 23 iSudj ;=< Tjqka fofokd muKla oialï olajd we;&
weh wjika ;r. igyk wkqj 9 fjkshd jQ kuq;a wehf.a uQ,sl ;r.fha§ jd¾;d l< 24'07 fõ.h wkfmalaIs; úch.%yKhls' ;ju 17 jk úfha miqjk weh fld<U f.aÜfõ cd;Hka;r mdif,a isiqúhls'

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