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furg frÈms<s iy ksñ we÷ï ksIamdok jHdmdrh w¾nqohg ,la lrñka ta u; mkjd we;s wuq frÈ iy kQ,a fjkqfjka l%shd;aul wiSñ; nÿ m%;sm;a;sh ,sys,a lsÍug ueÈy;a jQ uyr.u kd.ßl uka;%S" mdG,S pïmsl rKjl wud;Hjrhdf.a udOH f,alï OkqIal rdukdhl uy;dg ia;=;sh m< lrk nj msá fldgqj frÈms<s fj<| ix.uh mjihs'

tu ix.uh fï nj mejiqfõ wo ,smshla ksl=;a lrñks'

fï wkqj 15] f;la by< oud ;snqKq jeÜ nÿ m%;sY;h 5] olajd my; fy<d ;sfí'

jd¾Islj frÈms<s iy ksñ we÷ï ksIamdok l¾udka;h wdY%s; iuia; jHdmdrj, jd¾Isl fufyhqu wfußldkq fvd,¾ fldaá 100 ^fvd,¾ ì,shkh& la muK jk w;r fufia by; oeuQ nÿ frÈms<s ksIamdok lafIa;%hg ord.ekSug wmyiq ùu fya;=fjka fuu l¾udka;h wdY%s;j Rcq yd jl% /lshd lrk oi ,laIhlf.a muK /lshd wk;=rg ,laj ù ;sìK'

kuq;a" kd.ßl uka;%S OkqIal rdukdhl uy;df.a n, m%foaYh jk uyr.u" muqKqj we;=¿ furg fndfyda m%foaYj, .%dñh yd kd.ßl wd¾:slhka flfrys iDcQ n,mEula isÿ lrk frÈms<s ksIamdok lafIa;%hg ,enqKq fuu nÿ iykh furg wd¾:slhg o iykhla jkq we;'

tu ,smsh my;ska"

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