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kx.S l¿ fodfod,a ryhso@
ukd,sh ksjig lekaod tk ojfia 
ñ;=rka ;reKhdg ÿka wmQre nhsÜ tl'

fï kele;a ld,fha yß yßhg ux., W;aij' ta w;ßka ukd,hd udkd,sh ksjig lekaodf.k tau udkd,hdf.a ñ;=rka iurkafka yß wmQ/ úÈhg' ta kj hqj, wmyiq;djh m;ajk wdldrfha fmdä nhsÜ tll=;a iu.sks'

wo nqlsh ;=, wm ieß ieÍfïS§ fujeks wmQre isÿùula olakg ,enqkd'
ta fokshdh m%foaYfha ;reKhl= ukd,sh lekaodf.k tk oskfhaoS ukd.hdf.a ñ;=rka k.rh ueo ÿka wmQre nhsÜ tlls'

ta tu fom, lekaodf.k hk wmQ/jg ieliqkq r;fha wmQ/ jokl=;a iys;jh'
tys ioyka jkafka zz kx.S l¿ fodfod,a rihso hkqfjksZZ

fï wjia;dfõ§ ukd,sh ,eÊcdfjka uQk jid .uka lrk wdldrhla olakg ,enqk'

wm fidhd ne,Sfï§ fuh foKshdh ,laud,a m%jdyk fiajfha ysñlre jk ,laud,a uÿYxl uy;df.a kj ukd,sh lekaodf.k tafï§ ñ;=rka ÿka wmQ/ surprise tlhs'

kj hqj,g f.disma99 wfmf.a WKqiqï iqN me;=ï

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