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wdisß frdayf,a fydr iamSÉ f;rmsiaÜ,d @

fld<U wdisß fuäl,a frdayf,a pek,ska fiajdjka mj;ajkq ,nk l:k Ñls;ailjrekaf.a ^Speech therapist& iqÿiqlï ms<sn| f;dr;=re wod< frday, fyda fkdokakd nj tu pek,ska fiajdfõ iyh ,nd .ekSug wm ,ndÿka ÿrl:k weu;=ulska fy<slr .ekSug yels úh'

l:k Ñls;ailjrhl=f.a ^Speech therapist& iyh ,nd .ekSug wdisß fuäl,a frday,g ÿrl:k weu;=ula ,ndÿka úg ÿrl:k iyhsldj lshd isákafka l:k Ñls;ailjrhka f,i chud,s rEmisxy" iuka;s l¿myk yd fodia;r Y,sks úl%uiQßh hk wh pek,a fiajdjka imhk njhs' Tjqka wdisß i¾ðl,a ys pek,a fiajdjka imhk njo weh lshd isà'
bkamiqj weh lshd isákafka wdisß fuäl,a frdayf,ao pek,ska isÿlrk l:k Ñls;ailjreka isák nj;a" ta u,ald ch;s,l" kfhdañ chj¾Ok" iaj¾Kd chj¾Ok yd bfjdaks ùrisxy hk wh njhs' u,ald ch;s,l ßþfõ wd¾hd <ud frdayf,a fiajh lrk njo lshd isà'

fï w;ßka lsisjl= frluodre l< fkdyels njo tu frdayf,a ÿrl:k iyhsldj lshd isà' kfhdañ chj¾Ok wÛy/jdod fmrjre 9'00g;a" bfjdaks ùrisxy nodod yd isl=rdod iji 4'00g;a iaj¾Kd chj¾Ok wÛyrejdod 3'30g;a pek,ska fiajdjka mj;ajk njo weh i|yka lrhs' bfjdaks o ßþfõ wd¾hd <ud frdayf,a fodia;rjßhla nj weh lshd isà'

le,Ksfh;a fydr .=ydjla

flfiajqjo iaj¾Kd yd kfhdañ hk fodiai;r,d fiajh lrk frday,l kï § fkdue;s nj weh jeäÿrg;a i|yka lrhs'

fudjqka fodia;r,d f,i weÛùug ÿrl:k l%shdlrjKaksh W;aidy .;a;o" kfhdañ fyda iaj¾Kd fodia;r,d fkdjk nj wmg fy<slr.; yels úh'

tfiau wdisß frdayf,a ÿrl:k l%shdlrjkaksh lshd isákafka kfhdañ yd iaj¾Kd mqoa.,slj mqyqKqjk wh ^private practice& úh yels njhs' Tjqka okakd tlu f;dr;=r th njo weh lshd isà' wm fy<slr.;a lreKq wkqj iaj¾Kd yd kfhdañ kekaoïud yd f,a,shhs'

fï fofokd pek,ska fiajdj ,nd§ug fjk;a ffjoHjreka whlrkq ,nk uqo, jk remsh,a 1"650 lau whlrk njo jd¾;d fõ'

iaj¾Kd" le,Ksh" jrdf.dv m%foaYfha fmr mdi,lg wkque;sh ,ndf.k úfYaI wjYH;d iys; orejka i|yd mdi,la mj;ajdf.k hk nj;a mejfia'

tu wdh;kfha fiajhlr bka bj; .=rejßka w¾:idol fkdf.jQ njg wdodhï nÿ fomd¾;fïka;=jg meñKs<s lsÍu ksid fï wh;kh lsysmúgla wdodhï nÿ fomd¾;fïka;=j úiska jg,d we;s njo jd¾;d fõ'

tu wdh;khg wef.ka fiajdj ,nd .ekSug meñfKk úfYaI wjYH;d iys; orejkaf.ka mehlg remsh,a 1"500l uqo,la whlrk njo jd¾;d fõ'

yඬmgh my; oelafõ

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