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weu;sjre Èjqreï fohs
ux.,g uqo,a - rùg úfoaY - uyskaog jrdh

hymd,k rcfha m<uq leìkÜ ixfYdaOkh óg iqÆ fudfyd;lg fmr ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a m%Odk;ajfhka ckdêm;s f,alï ldrHd,fha§ isÿúh'

tu ixfYdaOkfha§ wud;Hjre Èjqreï ÿka wdldrh fufiah'

ux., iurùr- uqo,a iy ckudOH wud;HxYh

rù lreKdkdhl - úfoaY lghq;= wud;HxYh

uyskao iurisxy - jrdh iy kdjql lghq;=

.hka; lreKd;s,l - bvï yd md¾,sfuka

w¾cqk rK;=x. - Lksc f;,a iïm;a ixj¾Ok

pkaÈu ùrlafldä - ksmqK;d ixj¾Ok

;s,la udrmK - úfYaI ixj¾Ok wud;H

SB Èidkdhl - iudc iún, .ekaùï" iqNidOk iy lÿrg Wreuhka ms<sn| wud;H

WDJ fikúr;ak - lïlre iy inr.uqj ixj¾Ok

fï w;r ëjr wud;Hjrhd jYfhka lghq;= l, uyskao wurùr uy;d uyje,s ixj¾Ok rdcH wud;Hjrhd jYfhka m;alr ;sfí'

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