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iqkLfhda óf;dguq,a‍f,a kdhhEu
.ek mehlg fmr b.s lr,d

óf;dguq,a‍f,a Y%S rdyq, úÿy,g wdikak l=Kq lkafoa fldgila meh Nd.hlg wêl fõ,djla lvdf.k hdug mehlg muK fmr isgu ta wjg ksfjiaj, we;slrk iy whd‍f,a hk iqkLhska uy yäka nqrñka l,n,hg m;aj tu ia:dkfhka mekhdug mgka.;a nj m%foaYjdiSyq mji;s'

ksfjiaj, oïje,a ,d isá iqkLhska oïje,a lvd ì| ouñka mekhdug ;e;a l< nj;a" wjg isá iqkLhska fõ.fhka m%foaYh yer .sh nj;a kdh hdfuka Èúfírd.;a mqoa.,fhda i|yka l<y'

lkao lvdjeà meh lsysmhla .;ùfuka wk;=rej iqkLhska h<s;a lkao wdikakhg meñfKkakg jQ nj;a" Bfha jkúg iqkLhska ksoyfia l=Kq lkao wjg ießierE nj;a m%foaYjdiSyq mji;s'

l=Kq lkafoa fldgila kdh hdu ksid isÿjQ Ôú; yd foa‍fmd< ydksfha iïmQ¾K j.lSu foaYmd,{hska .;hq;= nj fldf<dkakdj l=Kq lkaog tfrys ck;d jHdmdrfha ixúOdhl kqjka fndamf.a uy;d mejiSh'

fï l=Kq lkao ld,fha§ foaYmd,k{hskag i,a,s wdlrhla jqKd' fld<U uy k.r iNdj ñ,shk 600 l fgkavrh ñ,shk 800 lg §,d ñ,shk 200 la ;ukaf.a foaYmd,lhska w;r fnod.;a;d' fldf<dkakdj k.rdêm;s" Wm k.rdêm;s" úmlaIfha lÜáh fï ish¨‍ fokdu ;uhs ;ukaf.a f,dß od,d fï l=Kq lkafoka wdodhï Wmojd .;af;a' fï l=Kqj,g hgfj,d mjq,a yeglg wdikak ixLHdjla ‍fmdf<dj we;=‍f,a bkakjd'

foaYmd,{fhda fï l=Kq lkafoka jdis .;a; ksihs fï ñksiaiqkag ‍fmdf<djg mia fjkak fj,d ;sfhkafka' wms wjqreÿ yhla fï fjkqfjka uefroa§ lsisu mshjrla fkd.;a; foaYmd,lfhda ish¨‍ fokdu jydu b,a,d wiaúh hq;=hs' ußlald¾,d" ÿñkao is,aj,d tl tl m%dfoaYSh kdhlfhda lsisfjl=g wjYH jqfka kE fï m%Yakh wjxlj úi|kak' fïl ysÕkakdf.a ;=jd‍f,a njg m;a lr,d fïflka foaYmd,k jdis ,nd.;a;d'

wka;sug jqfka wfma orefjda fïl ksid ñhhk tl'

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