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l=Kq lkao kdhhdfuka
óf;dguq,af,a fÄojdplhla

weu;s id.,f.ka úfYaI m%ldYhla

óf;dguq,a, l=Kq lkao kdhhdu fya;=fjka ksjdi .Kkdjlg nrm;< ydks isÿj we;s nj;a" m%foaYfha fkdikaiqkaldÍ ;;a;ajhla Woa.;ù we;s nj;a jd¾;d fõ'

Bfha ^14& m'j 3'00 g muK l=Kq lkafoa fldgila kdhf.dia we;s w;r isoaêfhka Ôú;laIhg m;ajQ mqoa.,hskaf.a ixLHdj 10 fofkl= olajd by< f.dia ;sfí'

ñh .sh msßi w;r l=vd <uqka ;sfofkl= we;=¿ msßñka isõfofkl= yd ldka;djka yh fofkl= jk nj i|ykah'

isoaêfhka ;=jd, ,enQjka 07 fofkl= ;jÿrg;a cd;sl frdayf,a m%;sldr ,nk nj cd;sl frdayf,a wOHlaI ffjoH wks,a cdisxy uy;d mjihs'

fï w;r l=Kq lkafoa .sks .;a by< fldgfia neflda hka;%hlao .skakg yiqj we;s nj jd¾;djk w;r .skak ksùu i|yd Y%S ,xld .=jka yuqodjg wh;a fn,a 212 j¾.fha fy<sfldmag¾ hdkhla fhojQ nj .=jka yuqodj mjihs'

 jyd ueÈy;aù mSvdjg m;ajQjkag iyk i,ik f,i yd ;;a;ajh md,kh lrk f,i ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d úiska wdmod l<ukdlrK wud;HxYhg yd fmd,siam;sjrhdg Wmfoia ,nd§ we;s nj ckdêm;s udOH tallh mjihs'

wk;=rg m;a mqoa.,hska uqojd.ekSug yd iyk ie,iSug ndOdjk neúka tu m%foaYhg <Ûdùfuka j<lsk f,i rch b,a,Sulao lr ;sfí'

wdmod l<dukdlrK uOHia:dkfha m%Odk yÈis fufyhqï ueÈßh yryd ;%súO yuqod ueÈy;a lsÍu isÿfldg we;s  nj;a" l=Kqlkafoa .sks .ekSula iïnkaofhkao jd¾;djk neúka .sks ksjk yuqodjg oekqï§ fïjk úg Tjqka ;;a;ajh md,khlsÍug mshjr f.k we;s nj;a wdmod l<ukdlrK uOHia:dkfha iyldr wOHlaI m%§ma fldämams,s uy;d mjihs'

 óg wu;rj yÈishl§ f;dr;=re oekqï§ug wdmod l<ukdlrK uOHia:dkfha 117 ÿrl:k wxlh újD;j mj;sk nj;a"  bÈß lghq;= ta yryd iïnkaëlrKh lsÍu isÿjk nj;a fldämams,s uy;d jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfhah'

fï w;r w.ue;s jrhd oek.;a ú.i cmdkfha isg  fï ioyd wjYH Wmfoia ,nd ÿka nj;a wdrlaIl yuqodj fmd,Sish úfYaI ld¾h n,ldh fï wjia:dfõ § wk;=rg m;aù we;s Ôú; /l .ekSug mq¿,a W;aiyhla .kakd nj wud;H id., r;akdhk uy;d mjikjd' 

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