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lgqkdhl .=jka .uka 
6od isg idukH mßÈ

lgqkdhl nKavdrkdhl cd;Hka;r .=jkaf;dgq fmdf<a cd;Hka;r .=jka .uka lghq;= fuu 6 jeksod isg idukH mßÈ isÿ lsÍug yels nj .=jka f;dgqfmd< ks,Odßfhla mejish'

ie<iqï ler ;snQ mßÈ .=jka f;dgqfmdf<a Odjk m:fha ixj¾Ok lghq;= fï ui 5 jeksod jk úg iïmQ¾Kfhkau wjika lsßug yels ù ;sfí' fuys ixj¾Ok lghq;= ckjdß ui 6 jeksod isg wfma%,a ui 5 jeksod olajd isÿ lsÍug kshñ;j ;sìKs' fï i|yd jehjk uqo, remsh,a ì,shk 7'2 la jk w;r Ök iud.ï folla uÛska bÈ lsÍï lghq;= isÿ flßKs' laIh jQ Odjk m:fha yd neyereï m:fha jHqyd;aul fõÈldj h:d ;;a;ajhg m;alsÍu" fufyhqï lghq;=j,g iß,k wdldrfhka Odjk m:h kej; we;s lsÍu yd mq¿,a lsÍu" Odjk m:fha oekg mj;sk wdf,dal moaO;sh yd /yka moaO;sh kj;u ^ LED & wdf,dal moaO;shlska m%;sia:dmkh lsÍu ixj¾Ok lghq;= w;r fjhs'

fuu .=jka hdkd Odjk m:h1986 jif¾ bÈlr we;s w;r tys wdhq ld,h jir 20 la muK jqjo" fï jk úg 30 la muK th Ndú;d lr we;s neúka Odjk m:h u;=msg bß;e<Sï fmkakqï lsÍu ksid Odjk m:h kúlrKh lsßug mshjr .eKsks'

Èklg .=jka u.Ska 25000 l idudkHhla yd .=jka nvq fug%ska fgdka 300 ka muK fufyhqï lghq;= isÿlrhs' 

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