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ffjYdjlf.a pß;hlg r.mdkak 
hqf¾Ks ksrej;a fjkak;a iqodkï 

hqf¾ks fk!Isld lshkafka wmsg bkak kj mrmqf¾ iqkaor o.ldr lgldr fhdjqka ks<shla' hqf¾ksj wÿkak,d fokak wuq;=fjka wgqjd áld ´k fjkafka kE' ta yskaod hqf¾ks ,. È. wermq m‍%Yak m;a;f¾g wef.ka W;a;r ,nd .kak wms W;aidy .;a;d'

àù tflka wdmq Thd oeka àù tl wu;l lr,o@

wdrdOkd kï ´k ;rï tkjd' ta;a fu.d j, r.mdkak uf.a f,dl= leue;a;la kE' .=Kd;aul fydo ks¾udKhla fldgia 50 l jf.a tlla kï uu ta .ek ys;kjd'

wv ksrej;ska r.mdkak pdkaia tlla ,enqfkd;ska fudlo lrkafka@

pß;hg Wjukd kï wv ksrej; ug wjq,la kE' yenehs tal ks¾udKh ,iaik fjkak lrk tllao" ke;akï ks¾udKh udlÜ lrkak lrk tlla o lsh,;a úfYaIfhka fydh,d n,kjd'

wv ksrej; udlÜ fjkak fydo C%uhla fkao@

ir,ju lsõfjd;a ysÜ fjkak kï ux wv ksrej; wdNrkhla lr .kafka kE'

ks<shla úÈhg ´ku pß;hla r.mdkjo@

ks<shla lshkafka ´ku pß;hla r.mdkak mqMjka lu ;shk flfkl=g' ux msgm; fydo kï" l;dj we;=f,a fydo l;djl=;a" iudchg fydo mKsúvhla fokak foal=;a" tafl ;shkjd kï ffjYdjlf.a pß;h jqk;a ux r.mdkjd' tal ug wjq,la kE'

yeu ;siafiu fudlo ndf.g weof.k bkafka@

yeu ;siafiu ux tfyu wÈkafk kE' ;ekg iqÿiq úÈhghs ux wÈkafka' fldfydug;a ux ú,dis;d lrkafka uf.a we.g ,iaik úÈh n,,d' ug ,iaik ñila iudch fudkjd lshhso lsh,d ys;,d ux ú,dis;d lrkafka kE'

oekaj;a b;ska fmïj;d .ek lsh,d oduq fkao@

l,ska ux fmïj;shla' oeka ux fmïj;shla fkfjhs' m;mq flkd ,efnk lx ux fï úÈhg bkakjd' wo neo,d fyg Èlalido fjkak ug ´klula kE' fld,af,la ke;s jqkdg fï ;kslv Ôúf;;a uu i;=áka bkakjd'

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