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f.disma fjí wvú j,g .hdka
hqo m%ldYlrhs
ud¾. kS;s;a lv lrhs

rx.k Ys,amS .hdka úl%u;s,l ms,snoj i;sfha rg ;=, uy;a wdkafoda,khla we;s jQ j' ta f.disma99 wm udOHfhka jika ù ;snQ wehf.a fmr ìßo *¾Iskdf.a lÿ¿ l;dj rgg fy,s lsÍu;a iu.h' Èkj, .hdka -  p;=ßld kj hqj, È.ska È.gu ?mjdyskS kd,sldj,o olakg ,enqk'
kuq;a §¾. ld,hlg miqj .hdka úl%u;s,l f.disma99 we;=¿j f.disma fjí wvúj,g hqo m%ldY lsÍula isÿ lr ;sfnkj' ta úäfhdaj my;ska'

l;D igyk

fuu mqjl wm fy,slf,a .hdka - p;=ßld kj hqj,g lsisÿ wmydihla f.k taug fkdj widOdrKhg ,lajQ ore ÿl okakd ujlf.a ldreKsl b,a,Sulg ijka §ula f,i;a ta ms,snoj f.disma99 lKavdhu i;s lsysmhla ta iïnkao mqoa.,hkaf.ka f;dr;=/ úuid tu mjq, oekg m;aù isák ;;aj jgyd .ekSfuj wk;=rej nj;a kej; kej;;a lsj hqq;=h'

ta ms<snoj ishÆ idlaIs igyka wm i;=j we;s w;r  wm fjí wvúh ms<s;=re ,sms m, lrk nj;a tjdfha wka;¾.;h i;H hhs Tmamq lsÍug yels oE fjf;d;a wm  mels,Sulska f;drj m, lrk nj lsj hq;=h'

;uka ks¾fodaYS kï ksl/fka ùäfhda m, fkdlr  ta ioyd wm ÿrl:k wxl jk 072 443 5631 fyda Tiafia ,nd Èh yels w;r kuq;a tajdfha wka;¾ .;h i;H hehs jegfykafka kï lreKq fidhd fjì wvúfha m< lrk nj lsj hq;=h'

wm l=Kq fidhñka mjq,a lvdlmam,a lsÍug mqj;a ujk fjí wvúhla fkdjk nj;a hï widOdrkhla fyda ¥Ikhla ms<snoj fy<slsÍula ioyd b,a,sula isÿlrfyd;a th rgg lSug yels mqj;al fõ kï th ;rd ;sru fkdn,d  wm fy,slrk njo lsj hq;=h'

;jo wm fj; .hdkaf.a fmr ìßo jk *¾Iskd tjd ;snQ ,smsh my;ska tlalr we;

*¾Iskd wm fj; bÈßm;a l, ùäfhdaj iy mqj;am;a wdh;k ioyd ,nd ÿka ,sms

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