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22 yeúßÈ ;reKshla nd,jhialrefjl=
iu. ,sx.slj tl;= fjoaÈ
fmd,sishg fldgqfjhs

myf,dia yeúßÈ mdi,a jhfia miqjk nd, jhialdrhl= iu. wjqreÿ 22 l ;re‚hla , weiqrla i|yd lvqfj, m%foaYfha ,e.=ïy,lg f.dia isáhÈ kj.uqj fmd,sish úiska w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfnkjd'

fï fofokd w;r ld,hla ;siafi fma%u iïnkaOhla ;snQ njhs mÍlaIKj,§ wkdjrKh ù ;sfnkafka'

fudjqka fofokdu tlu m%foaYfha mÈxÑlrejka fofofkl= jkjd'

wod< ldka;dj 15 yeúßÈ mdi,a isiqjdg meñfKk f,i ÿrl;k weu;=ula ,nd § ;%sfrdao r:hlska ,e.=ïy,g f.dia ;sfnkjd'

;u orejd yÈisfha ksfjiska msgj hdu iïnkaOfhka ielis;+ uõmshka Tyq miqmi yUdf.dia we;s w;r ldka;dj úiska ;u orejd ;%sfrdao r:hl kxjdf.k ,e.=ïy,lg /f.k hkq Tjqka oel ;sfnkjd'

fï iïnkaOj orejdf.a uõmshka kj.uqj fmd,sishg oekqï§fuka miqj fmd,sisfha ks,OdÍka lKavdhula jydu l%shd;aul ù ,e.=ïy,g f.dia ldka;dj yd <uhd w;awvx.=jg f.k ;sfnkjd'

fmd,Sish ,e.=ïy, jg,k wjia:dfõ§;a wod< ;re‚h 15 yejßÈ mdi,a isiqjd iuÛ ,sx.slj tl;=fjñka isg we;' jeäÿr mÍlaIKj,È wkdjrK jqfha fuu ldka;djf.a ieñhd u;ao%jHj,g iïnkaOj jrolrefjl= ù oekg ßudkaâ lr isák w;r weho u;ameka o%jH i|yd ;Èka weíneys ù we;s njhs'

iellrejka lvqfj, wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lsÍug kshñ;hs'

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