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nqlsfha fpdaokd .,d wd
YISf.a isma tl .,jk
ñhqisla ùäfhdaj.ek
YIs wekac,Skd l;d lrhs

talg bv ÿkafk uf.a leue;af;ka

fï Èkj, ‍nqlsfha fmïj;dg ;ukaf.a weÿu .e,ùug bv ,ndfok rEm rduq fm,la iys; ñhqisla ùäfhdajla yqjudre fjñka mj;sk w;r ta ms,snoj tu pß;hg mkfmdjk YIS ;ukag f*ianqla ;=,ska .,d tk fpdaokd j,g iy wm ta ms<snoj fmr bÈßm;a l, mqj;g ms<s;=re f.disma99 wmf.ka ;ukaf.a woyi rgg mjik f,i b,a,Sula lr isákj'

ta fufiah"

fï jf.a  o¾Ykhla .S;hlg we;=,;a lsÍu fyda rx.kfhka odhl jqkd lsh, ug fyda .S;hg ydkshla fjkjd lsh, uka ysf;kafka keye'

wfkl fuys lsisu wkjIH fohla fmkakqï lrkafka keye'  ,xldfõ ùäfhda j, fufyfu o¾Ykhla ;sífnd;a ;uhs nkskak .kafka' yskaÈ .S;hl fyda fjk;a rgl .S;hl fujeks o¾Yk óg;a jvd foaj,a we;=,;a fjkjd tajd n,oa§ lsis flfkla nkskafka keye' 

wehs lsh, ug kï f;afrkafka keye' ug iefykak nek, lfukaÜ od,d ;snqk ' uka ys;kafka uf.a wdorKsh fma%laIkfhda kï fïl jerÈ weyelska olsk tlla keye' jerÈ weyelska neÆfjd;a ´fka fohla jerÈhg olskak mq¿jka'

nqoaÈu;a Thd, fïl fydo weyelska ols lsh, uka úiajdi lrkjd ' ug wdof¾ lrk Thd,g ux f.dvla wdofrhs 


tu ñhqisla ùäfhdafõ msgm;la fuf,i wka;¾cd,hg tlafldg we;

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