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fmdâäg oeka iqjhs
je,sir rdcH mY= ffjoH
wdh;kh u.ska jeäÿr m%;sldr lrkjd

;u jdykhg w,dn lrñka yemqK
jiqmegjdg uyu.§ ie;alula l< 
Y,H ffjoH rkaÈ,a o w,aúia

;u ióm {d;sfhl=f.a ux., W;aijhlg iyNd.S jkakg .uka lrñka isá uyr.u ms<sld frdayf,a Y,H ffjoHjrfhl=f.a jdykhg iqkLfhl=g ìfha mekhñka isá jiqmegfjl= wyïnfhka yemSfï isoaêhla miq.shod tal, m%foaYfha§ miq.h ^04& jk od  isÿúh ' ta ms<snoj wm úiska fy,s lrkq ,eìks'

fuu wjia:dfõ ;=jd, ,o ‘‘ fmdävd kï jiqmegjd fõokdfjka lE.iñka t;ek jeà  ;sfí' wk;=ßka w,dnjQ ;u jdykh fyda .uk .ek fkdi,ld yßk ,o ffjoHjrhd jydu jdykfhka nei t;ek§u W!j iqjm;a lsÍfï Y,H l¾uhla isÿ lr ;snqfka ta fj,dfõ fidhd.kakg yelsjQ wඬq lïì wdOdrfhks'

ta ms<snoj Tyq ;u f*ianqla msgqfja  mjid ;sfnkafka ‘fmdâä‘ kue;s tu jiq megúh fï jkúg je,sir rdcH mYq ffjoH wdh;kfha jeäÿr m%;sldr ,nk nj;a ;;ajh iqj w;g yeÍ ;sfnk nj;ah'

fuu ixisoaêh jd¾;d l< whg fukau ta .ek j¾Kkd lrñka fldfukagq m< l< ieug Tyq ;=;s mqod  ;snqfka fufiah'

m%sh ñ;=rks"
iudc cd, iy úúO ckudOH yryd me;sr .sh ud iïnkaO mqj;g ,o úúOdldr m%ixid yd wdYs¾jdo oelSfuka ud mqÿuhg iy ksy;udkSj i;=gg m;a jQ nj lsjukdh'ud ta fudfydf;a ug is;=k fyd|u foa l< w;r ta wka lsisu fya;=jla ksid fkdj weho wm iefjdu fuka ye.Sï oeksu we;s wirK m%dksfhl= ksid fjks'Tn ishÆ fokd tu l%shdj we.hsu ug i;=gla jQfha ðú; j, jákdlu yÿkk ;j fndfyda msßila fuu mska ìfus ;ju;a isák nj oek.ekSfuks'',fmdâ‍ã, oekg iqfjka isák w;r je,sir rdcH mYq ffjoH wdh;kh u.ska jeäÿr m%;sldr lrkq ,nhs'hym;a foh iudc .;fldg iudc m%.ukh ioyd lemjqKq "iudc cd, yd wfkl=;a udOH i.hkago fuh wdYs¾jdohla jkq ksielh'wjik Tfna jákd we.hsu "jegqmg tyd .sh úi,a fiajdjla i,iñka"wysxil wirK frda.S ðú; fírd .ekSug fjr orkd iqjyila ,dxlSh ffjoHjreka yg;a ñksiqka fyda i;=kaf.a jqjo mk k, h¢k ðú; j, jákdlu oefkk yÿkk Tn iEu ishÆ fokdgu;a Wmydrhlau fja‍jd'''``` 

rkaÈ,a o w,aúia

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