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md¾,sfïka;= uka;%skS 
ysreKsldg ore iïm;a

fld<U Èia;%sla md¾,sfïka;= uka;%skS ysreKsld fma%upkao% uy;añh ;u bkaiag%.arï .sKqug fiahdrejla tla lr  fï Èkj, ore iïm;a Wreu lrf.k mqf;l= ,eîfï wfmalaIdfjka miqjk nj PdhdrEmhla tla lrñka ;yjqre lr ;sfí'


ish iudc cd,d rislhskag ñka udihlg muK fmr ore .efí ialEka PdhdrEmhla ksl=;a lr 
l=;=y,h uqiq lr 

 isá fï .ek wdrxÑh foaYmd,k f,alhg ryila fkdjQjo weh ta .ek m<uq jrg m%isoaO lf<a wohs' wehg ,nk iema;eïnrfha muK ore Wm; isÿjkakg kshñ; nj;a ialEka mÍlaIKfhka mqf;l= ,eîu bÛslr we;s nj;a jd¾;dù ;sìKs' 
weh iudc cd, fj; tlalr ;snqK PdhdrEm my;ska

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