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f,Æï mq;d úlag¾ r;akdhlf.a fmïj;sh
yisks wfïkao%df.a frÈ .,jhs 

;x.,af,a nexl=jxpdjg yiqjQfha uehhs

úlag¾ r;akdhl uy;df.a mq;%hd jk f,Æï r;akdhl úiska Tyqf.a mshdf.a fm!oa.,sl Ôú;hg wod< jeo.;a lreKq /ila fy,slrñka ùäfhdajla ksl=;alr ;sîu;a iu.u iudc cd,d Tiafia oeä f,i l;d nyg ,la fjkjd'

wjqreÿ 9 l fma%u l;djl m%;sM,hla f,i úlag¾ r;akdhl miq.shod wjqreÿ 33 l ;reKshla iu. újdy ùu óg fya;=j njhs oek.kakg ,efnkafka' úlag¾ r;akdhl úiska újdy lr.;a;d hehs mejfik wfïkao%d 33 yeúßÈ jk w;r" nexl=jl fiajh lr tys uQ<H jxpdjlg yiqj nexl=fjka fkrmd oeuQ wfhl=o jkjd' uQ,H jxpdjg yiqù jerÈldßh jQ wfïkao%d f.a Kh uqo, f.ùug bÈßm;a ù ;snqfKao úlag¾ r;akdhl njhs mq;a f,Æï i|yka lrkafka' th ;x.,a, uyck nexl= Ydldfõ fiajh lrkakkaf.ka oek.; yels njhs Tyq i|yka lrkafka'

yels f,iska fndaê mQcdjla" foúhkag lkak,õ fldg fyda tu .eyeKshf.ka ;u mshdj .,jd fok f,ihs mq;a ÈÆï b,a,d isákafka'

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