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.hdkaf.a fndrej wf;a m;a;=fõ
f.oßka tf,jqfj ie;;a;eïn¾ 31Æ
.hdkaf. le,ekavf¾ ie;;a;eïn¾ 31la
cd;sjdoh wjqiaid .hdka fífrkak yok yeá
fmdämq;d fmrmdi,a .sfha .fï mkai,g - *¾Iskd 

rx.k Ys,amS .hdka úl%u;s,l ms,snoj i;sfha rg ;=, uy;a wdkafoda,khla we;s jQ j' ta f.disma99 wm udOHfhka jika ù ;snQ wehf.a fmr ìßo *¾Iskdf.a lÿ¿ l;dj rgg fy,s lsÍu;a iu.h'  l<d flaIa;%fha fndfydfofklaf.a ta mqj; ie,ùu;a iu. is;a i,s; jq nj f.disma99 wmg úYajdi lghq;= wdrxÑud¾. ioyka l<d' 

fuu mqjl wm fy,slf,a .hdka - p;=ßld kj hqj,g lsisÿ wmydihla f.k taug fkdj widOdrKhg ,lajQ ore ÿl okakd ujlf.a ldreKsl b,a,Sulg ijka §ula f,i;a ta ms,snoj f.disma99 lKavdhu i;s lsysmhla ta iïnkao mqoa.,hkaf.ka f;dr;=/ úuid tu mjq, oekg m;aù isák ;;aj jgyd .ekSfuj wk;=rej nj;a kej; kej;;a lsj hqq;=h'

kuq;a  rx.k Ys,amS .hdka úl%u;s,l uy;d ioyka lrkafka 2012 ie;a;eïn¾ 31 jk Èk f.orka msguka l, njhs'
kuq;a Tyqf.a fnd/j oeka wf;a m;a;= ù we;' ula ksidoh;a ie;a;eïn¾ udihg Èk 31 fkdue;sùu fya;=fjks' 

;jo cd;sjdoh weo .ksñka ;ukaf.a ú,s jid .ekSug fudyq W;aidy oerejo fudjqka fom, fjkajQjdg miqj wl=/ lsÍug ieriqK  nd, o/jd fmrmdi,a wOHdmkh yodrd we;af;ao .fï mkaif,ka nj f.disma99 fj; jd¾:d úks' kdhl iajdóka jykafia fuu .egÆj okakdfyhska uqo,a wh lsÍulao fkdl< nj wm iu. ÿrl:kfhka iïnkao jQ *¾Iskd ioyka l,y'

fï ms<snoj f.disma99 wmg ms<s;=re ùäfhdjla bÈßm;a lrk f,ig fï mqj; weiSfuka lïmdjQ f.disma99 mdGlhkaf.ka b,a,Sï ,enqko  wm th fkdlrkafka tu wirK wïud fj<o NdKavhla lr .ekSug f.disma99 ;=, we;s wlue;a; ksid nj lsj hq;=h' 

.hdka ysre f.disma fj; ,ndÿka  úäfhdaj my;ska

*¾Iskdf.a lÿ¿ l;dj rgg fy,sl, rg le<nQ úäfhdaj my;ska

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