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.ïukams,g tfrysj ´iafg%a,shdkq
cd;sl n%hka fIäla idlaIs fohs

.ïukams,g wefgda¾ks n,m;%hla mejrefõ kE - n%hka

rfÜ lS¾;skduh iy  rg ms<sn|j we;s úYajdih  .ïukams, ksid m¿ÿ jqKd
 ysreKsld fma%upkao%

n%hka fIäla iy fckÜ fIäla
.ïukams,f.a jxpd fy<s lsÍug wêlrKhg

Woh .ïukams, úiska furg isá lS¾;su;a úfoia wdfhdaclfhl=f.a j;alï jHdc wefgda¾ks n,m;%hla fhdod.ksñka l+g f,i jxpdlsÍfuka rfÜ lS¾;skduhg le<,la we;s jQ nj;a ta ;=<ska úfoaY wdfhdaclhka Y%S ,xldj ms<sn|j ;nd ;snQ úYajdih yd n,dfmdfrd;a;= ì| jeàug ,laù we;s nj md¾,sfïka;= uka;%skS ysreKsld fma%upkao% uy;añh mjihs' 

;uka fï iïnkaOfhka n%hka fIäla uy;d iy fckÜ fIäla uy;añh iu. fm!oa.,slju idlÉPd l< nj;a Woh .ïukams,f.a jxpdj ms<sn| ish¿ f;dr;=re ;uka Tjqkaf.ka oek .;a njo uka;%Sjßh mjihs' fï ms<sn|j ;uka úúO wjia:dj,§ woyia olajd we;s nj;a" úfYaIfhka md¾,sfïka;=fõ§o lreKq olajd we;s njo i|yka l< uka;%Sjßh" wo jk úg tu ish¿ lreKq Tmamq ù we;s nj;a tu ish¿ lreKq wkqj Woh .ïukams,g kqÿf¾§u jHdc wefgda¾ks n,m;%hla fhdod.ksñka wkai;= j;alï wh:d f,i mßyrKh lsÍfï fpdaokdj hgf;a oඬqjï ú£ug isÿjkq we;s njo mjihs'
ysreKsld fma%upkao% uy;añh fï nj i|yka lr isáfha" ´iag%ේ,shdkq cd;sl wdfhdaclhl= jk n%hka fIäla uy;df.a jHdmdr lghq;= j,g ueÈy;aù Tyqf.a jHdmdr fldgia wh:d f,i mßyrKh lsÍu yd jHdc wefgda¾ks n,m;% fhdod.ksñka úl=Kd oeóu ms<sn|j md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S Woh .ïukams, uy;dg úreoaOj n%hka fIäla uy;df.a ,xldfõ wefgda¾ks n,lre jk ,is; fmf¾rd úiska mjrd we;s kvqj Bfha^01& fld<U uydêlrKfha§ le|jQ wjia:dfõ udOH fj; woyia m< lrñks'

tys§ Woh .ïukams,f.a jxpdjg ,la jQ ´iag%ේ,shdkq cd;sl n%hka fIäla uy;d iy Tyqf.a ìß| fckÜ fIäla uy;añho wo idlaIs ,nd§u i|yd wêlrKhg le|jd ;snqKs' 

tys§ idlaIs foñka n%hka fIäla uy;d i|yka lr isáfha" isâks chisxy keu;s wh iuÛ ;uka ,xldj ;=< jHdmdr lghq;= l, nj;a" isâks chisxyf.a mq;%hd ud¾.fhka Woh .ïukams, keue;a;dj ;uka y÷kd.;a njhs' ta wkqj isâks chisyf,a b,a,Su u; ;ukaf.a jHdmdr lghq;= j, fiajlfhla f,i Woh .ïukams,g /lshdjla ,ndÿka njo n%hka fIäla uy;d i|yka lr isáfhah' ;ud hgf;a fiajh l< 400 la muK jQ fiajlhka w;r Woh .ïukams,o tla fiajlfhla muKla njo n%hka fIäla uy;d mjihs'

.ïukams, úiska fhdodf.k ;sfnk wefgd¾ks n,m;%h jHdc tlla nj;a ;uka lsis Èfkl Woh .ïukams,g n,h mjrd wefgda¾ks n,m;% ksl=;a lr ke;s njo n%hka fIäla uy;d i|yka lr isáfhah' ;jo" tu jHdc wefgda¾ks n,m;%fha fhdod ;sfnk w;aika ;udf.aj;a ;u ìß|f.aj;a fkdjk njo n%hka uy;d i|yka lr isáfhah' 

tfiau fuu jHdc wefgda¾ks n,m;%fha idlaIslrejka f,i w;aika lr ;sfnk ;ud hgf;a fiajh l, fofokdf.a w;aika jHdc tajd njo th Tjqkaf.a w;aika yd fkd.e,fmk njo n%hka fIäla uy;d wêlrKh yuqfõ idlaIs foñka i|yka lr isáfhah'

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