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uyskaog lfâ .sh
ta tia mS ,
ckm;s  ffu;%S .dfKa ;dkdm;s mÜgula

ta tia mS hymd,khg o@
hymd,kh ta tia mS g o@

ysgmq ckm;s uyskao rdcmlaI jljdkqj ;=, khsÔßhdkq ;dkdm;s OQrh oerE bvlvï jHdmdßl ta tia mS , hymd,k rch hgf;a lgd¾ foaYfha Y%S ,xld ;dkdm;s mÜgula ,nd § we; ' Tyq ,nk 15 jkod isg lgd¾ ;dkdm;s fiajhg jd¾;d lrkq we;s njg jd¾;d m, fõ' ckm;sjrKfha§ uyskao rdcmlaIf.a iydh wfmalaIlfhl= f,i ckm;s moúhgo  ;r. l, fudyq miqld,Skj jvd;a m%lg jQfha mrdð; uyskaog fld<ôka mSfldla ukaÈrhla ,nd§fï isoaêhla fya;=fjks' ta Èkj, Tyq uyskao fjkqfjka ie§ meye§ jev lf<a mSfldla ukaÈrfha fcHd;sIH fodaI ilikakg msyskqï ;gdlfha je,so mqrjñks'
flfia fj;;a Tyq úiskau me;srE wdrxÑ ksid mqj;am;a j, tu je,s msrjQ ;gdlfha jákd foa i.jd we;ehs mqj;a m<úh' fmd,sish Widú ksfhda.fhka je,so bj;a lr lsisjla ke;ehs lshñka ‘kdgl‘o rÛ oelaúKs'

flfia fj;;a fuu ukaÈrh ysgmq ckm;sjrhdg úlsKQ njg wdrxÑ me;sÍ ta .ek t*aiSwhsã mÍlaIK meje;aúks' wk;=rej Y%s,ksm ixj;air wjia:djl ffu;%S ckm;sjrhdg iydh m<lrñka fõÈldjg ke. ms,audre lrkakg ,shkf.a  lghq;= lf<a uyskaog úreoaOj ffu;%Sg mlaIj mqj;am;a oekaùï mjd m< lrñks'

fï wdldrhg ms,audre foaYmd,khl ksr;jQ wmQre mqj;a ujkafkl=o jQ fõÈldfjka Tf;f,d"rEmjdysksfhka ysñ wysñ àtkat,a meÿre idÊch bÈßm;a l< ta tiamS ,shkf.a uy;d oeka kj rcfha ckm;s fydo ù we;s w;r  lgd¾ foaYfha ,xldfõ ;dkdm;s mÜguo ysñ ù we;'

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