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iuhx >d;kfha ie,iqïlre
wxf.dv f,dlald ráka mkS

l¿;r" t;kuv‍f,a§ nkaOkd.dr nia r: follg fjä ;nd md;d, kdhl iuhx we;=¿ md;d,fha miafokl= yd nkaOkd.dr ks,OdÍka fofokd >d;khg uq,ajQ md;d, kdhlhka fofokd jk wxf.dv f,dlald yd w;=re.sßfha ,ähd cd;Hka;r u;ao%jH cdjdrïlrejkaf.a uqyqÿ hd;%dj, iydh we;sj ráka mek f.dia we;ehs wkdjrKh ù we;'

fuu m%ydrfha ie,iqïlre md;d, kdhl udl÷f¾ uOqIaf.a u;ao%jH cdjdrïj,g iydh fok cd;Hka;r u;ao%jH cdjdrïlrejkaf.a iydfhka fuu msßi bkaÈhdfõ f;,a nd,df.a wKil me;sreK ‘f;,a nd,d fndav¾’ kue;s m%foaYhg fndaÜgq u.ska uq,skau f.dia t;eka isg wdrlaIs; ia:dkhla lrd uOqIa úiska f.kajdf.k we;ehs fy<s ù ;sfí'

iuhx >d;k fufyhqfuka miqj wxf.dv f,dlald yd ,ähdj fndaÜgq u.ska ráka mkakk njg uOqIa ÿka ‍fmdfrdkaÿjla u; fuh isÿù we;s nj;a úu¾Ykj,§ fy<s ù we;'

fuu m%ydrh ie,iqï lsÍu i|yd vqndhsys isá udl÷f¾ uOqIao uqyqÿ ud¾.fhka furgg meñK .sh njgo nqoaê wxYj,g l,ska f;dr;=re ,eì ;snq‚'
m%ydrfhka miqj ol=Kq m<d;g mekf.dia uOqIaf.a i.hkaf.a iydh u; fuu msßi bkaÈhdjg nj;a bkaÈhdfõ isg l=uk rglg mek .shdo hkak fy<s fkdjqKq nj;a úu¾Yk ks,Odßfhla wkdjrKh lf<ah'

m%ydrhg meñ‚ fiiq idudðlhka wg fokd w;ßka n;a;ruq,a‍f,a nkaá ‍fmd,sia úfYaI ld¾h n<ld nqoaê fldÜGdih u.ska fi,a,l;r.u§ 21od w;awvx.=jg .;a w;r fiiq idudðlhka rg ;=<u isák njg ,o f;dr;=re u; Tjqka w;awvx.=jg .kakd fufyhqï l%shd;aul ù ;snq‚'

;siai rùkao% fmf¾rd

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