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ihsgï kvqfjka isiqka Èkqï
ihsgï isiqkag rcfha ,shdmÈxÑ ùug wjir

ud,fí fm!oa.,sl ffjoH úoHd,fhka ^ihsgï& wOHdmkh ,nd msgjk isiqka Y%S ,xld ffjoH iNdfõ jD;a;slhska f,i ,shdmÈxÑ lsÍu j<lajd ;sîu wNsfhda.hg ,lalr ihsgï fm!oa.,sl ffjoH úoHd,fhka Wmdêh ,enQ isiqka fofokl= f.dkq l< ßÜ fm;aiula wo ^31& úNd.hg .;a wjia:dfõ  Tjqkag ,shdmÈxÑ wjirh ,nd Èhhq;= nj wNshdpkdêlrKh ffjoH iNdjg ksfhda. lf<ah'

úð;a u<,af.dv iy tia';=frhsrdcd uy;ajrekaf.ka hq;a úksiqre uvq,a, fuu ;Skaÿj ,nd§ ;sfí'

ihsgï fm!oa.,sl ffjoH úoHd,fhka Wmdêh ,enQ isiqka fofokl=f.a fuu ch.%yKh wkqj bÈßhg ish¨‍u mqoa.,sl ffjoH úoHd, isiqkg rcfha ffjoH jD;a;slhka f,i tlaùug ;snqK ndOd ke;sj hkq we;'

ihsgï Wmdêh ,enQ u,aIdks iqrùrwdrÉÑ iy Ȩ‍ï iQßhwdrÉÑ hk isiq isiqúhka fofokd úiska ffjoH iNdj" Wiia wOHdmk weue;s" Wiia wOHdmk wud;HxY f,alï we;=¿ msßila j.W;a;rlrejka lrñka fuu fm;aiu f.dkq lr ;sì‚' ld,h mqrd ihsgï úfrdaO;d Woaf>daIKfha fhÿK msßia fuu ;Skaÿj wkqj fkdikaiqkaj we;s w;r wo oyj,a fld<U úfrdaO;d md.uklao wrUd we;' iji 3 g wka;¾ úYaj úoHd, YsIH n, uKav,h úfYaI udOH yuqjla le|jd ;sfnkafka bÈß l%shdud¾. .ek oekqï §ugh'

fï w;r rcfha ffjoH ks,OdÍkaf.a ix.ufha ,nk n%yiam;skaod mj;ajkakg kshñ; uOHu ldrl iNdj /iaùfï§ ud<fò fm!oa.,sl ffjoH úoHd,h iïnkaOfhka wNshdpkdêlrKh úiska wo ,ndÿka ;SrKh iïnkaOj idlÉPd lrk nj;a ffjoH jD;a;slhska fï .ek oeä ;SrKhla .ekSug kshñ; nj;a rcfha ffjoH ks,OdÍkaf.a ix.uh okajd we;' i;sfha Wiia wOHdmk weu;s lsßwe,a,  md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ okajd isáfha mej;s rch ñ,shk 600 fhdojd ihsgï wrUd wOHdmk lghq;=o ,nd§ ;snqK nj;a oeka rchg b;sßj we;af;a th mj;ajd hkakg b;sß foaj,a lr§u muKla nj;ah'

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