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uyskao rdcmlaIf.ka
taldnoaO úmlaIh mqxÑ Pkafog fjku
uyskao oeä ;SrKhl

m<d;a md,k ue;sjrKfha§ Y%S,ksm fkdj taldnoaO úmlaIh ksfhdackh lrñka iyhfok nj ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d mjihs'wo ^01& oyj,a mq;a;,u msysá md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ik;a ksYdka; uy;df.a ksjfia mej;s /iaùul§ udOHfõÈfhl= úiska úuik mekhlg m%;spdr olajñka fyf;u fï nj mjid ;sfí'
m<d;a md,k ue;sjrKhg id¾:lj uqyqK§u i|yd ;ud iQodkï nj;a" fuu ue;sjrKh ;SrKd;aul jk nj;a Tyq fuys§ i|yka lf<ah'

fïjk úg W;=f¾ isÿjk isÿùï foi n,kúg cd;sl wdrlaIdj iïnkaOfhka .eg¿ mekkeÛS we;s nj meyeÈ,sjk nj;a" fï j. ;uka lshd isáfha iEfyk ld,hlg fmr nj;a rdcmlaI uy;d lshd isáfhah'

wdrlaIl yuqod l|jqre iSud lsÍu;a" yuqod Nghska l|jqre ;=<g iSud lsÍu;a isÿj we;s nj isysm;a l< Tyq nqoaê wxY idudðlhska isr.; lr we;s nj;a" fujka ;;a;ajhla yuqfõ .eg¿ mekkeÛSu ms<sn| mqÿuúh hq;= ke;s nj;a rdcmlaI uy;d fuys§ jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfhah'

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