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fjo ix.ï iNdm;s
ihsgï igkg fkdfhkafka
jxpd fy<sfj;ehs ìfhka @

rcfha ffjoH ks,Odßkaf.a ix.ufha iNdm;s ffjoH wkqreoaO mdfoksh ihsgï úfrdaê igkg iDcqj tla fkdjkafka Tyqf.a jxpd fy<s fj;ehs ìfhka njg miq.shod mej;s ihsgï iïnkaO ixjdohl§ wkdjrKh ù we;s nj isf,daka c¾k,aia fj; jd¾;d fõ' Èkl kdrdfyakamsg úoaj;a fijk kï ia:dkfha ud,‍´‍f ihsgï wdh;k iïnkaOj ixjdohla mj;ajd we;s w;r kd,l f.dvfyajd uq,sl ù ixúOdkh lr we;s fuu ixjdofha m%Odk l;slhka f,i ffjoH wkqreoaO mdfoksh yd ffjoH fn,a,k iyNd.S ù ;sfí'

ffjoH fn,a,k hkq úkh fya;= u; ffjoH jD;a;sfhka bj;a lr we;af;la jk w;r wkqreoaO mdfoksh yg fjo ix.ï iNdm;s Oqrh ,nd .ekSug ckao jxpd lrk ,oafola f,io fpdaokdjg ,lajqfhla o fõ'

flfia fj;;a ffjoH wkqreoaO mdfokshf.a l;dfjka wk;=re iNdfõ isá msßi Tyqf.ka m%Yak lr we;af;a ihsgï wdh;kh wdryïN l, 2011 jif¾ úreoaO fkdjqfka wehs o hkakhs ihsgï wdh;khg úreoaO fkdjk nj;a th m%ñ;s .; l, hq;= nj;a ffjoH mdfoksh tys§ mjid we;'

ixjdofha lshq lreKq m%isoaO udOHfha m%ldY fkdlrkafka wehs oehs ixjdofha isá mqoa.,fhla ffjoHjrhdf.ka úuid we;s w;r thg ms<s;=re f,i Tyq mjid we;af;a ;ukaf.a m%ldY udOHfha m, fkdjk njhs'

ffjoH ix.ufha wfkl=;a ks,OdÍka m%isoaêfha ihsgï wdh;khg úreoaO jk úg iNdm;s f,i Tn thg úreoaOj m%isoaêfha m%ldY fkdlrkafka md,k iufha§ isÿl, jegqma jxpdj iïíkaOj fy<s fj;ehs ìfhka fkdfõ oehs tla wfhla m%Yak lr we;s w;r ffjoH mdfoksh thg ms<s;=re fkd§ tu ia:dkfhka msgj f.dia we;s njghs isf,daka c¾k,aia fj; jd¾;d jkafka'

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