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ux wjqreÿ 4 § fm<md,shl=;a .shd
ux lsõj ish¨‍ foaj,a we;a; 

wjYHj,dfjÈ PdhdrEm iys;j t<shg odkjd Èkj, iudc udOH ;=< jeä jYfhka l:dnyg ,lajQ pß;hla njg md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S p;=r fiakdr;ak m;aj ;snqKd' thg fya;=jQfha Tyq forK kd,sldfõ iïuqL idlÉPdjl§ m%ldY lr ;snqKq hï hï ms<s.kakg wmyiq l;d lsysmhls'

1982 Wm; ,o p;=r fiakdr;ak 1988§ ñ úch l=udr;=x. iu. foaYmd,kh l< nj tys§ okajd ;snqK w;r úch ñ miq nexl= .sKqu mÍlaId lrkakg pkao%sld ue;s‚h iu. .sh wdldrhla .eko lreKq ie,lr ;snq‚' Bg wu;rj Tyq pkao%sldg tfrysj úlag¾ whsjka ,shQ ‘fp!r /ðK‘ fmd;g lreKq imhd we;s njo okajd isák ,È'
fuu lreKq j,g wu;rj ;ud fkdl< fohla ke;s .dKg foaYmd,kh .ek fkdkj;ajd l:d l< p;=r tu idlÉPdfõ§ okajd ;snqfka rcfha by<u ;k;=r ,ndfokakg ffu;%S ckm;s ;udf.ka f;jrla b,a¨‍j;a È.gu th m%;slafIam l< njls'

fuu l;d ms<s.kakg wmyiq mïfmdaß f,i iudc udOH ;=< oeä úfõpkhg ,lajQ w;r úlag¾ whsjka uy;dg ÿrl:kfhka wu;d tla;rd udOHfõÈfhl= fï .ek úuiSfï§ úlag¾ whsjka uy;d p;=rf.a l;dj m%;slafIam lr ;snqfka fndrefka'' msiaiqfka'' ux fg,sf*daka tflka ´kkï fomdrla ú;r l:dlr, we;s tÉprhs f,i lshñks'

fuu miqìu ;=< Bfha îîiS isxy, fiajh by; lreKq .ek p;=r fiakdr;akj h<s úuiSug ,la l< w;r Tyq tys§ Tyq lshQ lsisjla jerÈ ke;s nj kej; ;yjqre lf<ah'

tu wjia:dfõ ;j;a lreKq bÈßm;a lrñka ;ud jhi 4 fmr mdif,a§ úch l=udr;=x. fjkqfjka fm<md,s mjd .sh nj Tyq lSfõ ksfõolhdg isyyd Wmojñks' úlag¾ whsjka fndrejla lshd we;s njo Tyq lSfõh'Tyq ta .ek meyeÈ,s l< whqre ùäfhdaj my;ska

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