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l=,shdmsáh fudag¾ r: tl,ia uOHd:dkh
uq,a.,a ;efnhs

fjiagka Tfgdafudnhs,a wefiïí,s‘ fudag¾ r: tl,ia lsÍfï l¾udka; Yd,dj i|yd wo l=,shdmsáh ,nqhdfha § uq,a.;a ;eì‚'ckm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak yd w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxyf.a m%Odk;ajfhka W;aijh meje;s w;r l¾udka; Yd,dfõ jevlghq;= jir foll§ ksu lsÍug kshñ;h'

kj /lshd úisoyila i|yd fuu i;sh ;=< moku ouk nj w.‍%dud;H rks,a úC%uisxy mejiSh'hymd,k wdKavqj i|yd ;uka n,h ,nd.;af;a kj /lshd ìys lrk njgo ck;djg fmdfrdkaÿ fjñka njhs w.‍%dud;Hjrhd jeäÿrg;a lshdisáfha'

tf,i kj /lshd ìys lsÍu fuf;la m‍%udo jqfha ;uka Ndr.;a wd¾Òlh wdodhï wvq iy Kh f.dv.eiqKq tllaùu ksid njo w.‍%dud;Hjrhd lshdisáhd'flfiafj;;a tu wNsfhda. hymd,k wdKavqj úiska oeka ch.ksñka isák njhs w.‍%dud;Hjrhd fmkajd ÿkafka'

wlalr mkyl muK NQñhl wdfhdack uKav, jHdmD;shla f,i fvd,¾ ñ,shk úisyhhs oYu myl wdfhdackhlska fï fudag¾ r: l¾udka; Yd,dj wdrïN flf¾'

fï jHdmD;sh i|yd fjdlaiaj.ka iud.u iu. 2015 wf.daia;= ui foaYSh iud.u jk fifkdla iud.u .súiqu w;aika lf<ah' fjiag¾ka Tfgdafudanhs,a weiïí,s m%hsfjÜ ,sñgâ hkqfjka fï foaYSh iud.u wdrïN flf¾' fï jHdmD;sh ;=< fudag¾ r: ksIamdok l¾udka; Yd,dj fukau ;reK ;re‚hkag fudag¾ r: l¾udka;h ms<sn| mqyqKqj ,nd§u;a isÿflf¾'tu.ska ;reK ;re‚hka i|yd /lshd 3000la o jl% /lshd 10000la ,nd§ug ie,iqï lr ;sfí'

fudag¾ r: l¾udka; Yd,dj ;=< wekaðka Odß;dj 1000 iy 2000 jk u.S fudag¾ r:" l%Svd i|yd Ndú;d jk fudag¾ r:" Nyqld¾h jdyk" fjf<|jdyk" wdÈh ksIamdokh lsÍug ie,iqï lr we;'

c¾uksfha fjdlaiaje.ka iud.u hkq fgdfhdgd yd fckr,a fudag¾ia hk m%Odk iud.ï fol iu. lrg lr ;r. jÈk f,dal jdyk fjf<| fmdf<a úYd,;u mx.= lrefjls'

fjdlaiaje.ka iud.u ksmojkafka fjdlaiaje.ka jdyk muKla fkdjk w;r ljqre;a y÷kk wjqä" ,eïfnda.sks" fm%dfIa fj<‍| kdu hgf;a jdyk ksmojkafkaoTjqkauh'Bg wu;rj SEAT, ŠKODA, Bentley, BuÜtti, DuÊti, SÊnia,MAN wd§ kduhka hgf;ao Tjqka jdyk ksmoj;s'

f,dalfha jdyk ksmojk wuqo%jH iys; rgj, Tjqkaks Iamdok lïy,a wrUd we;s w;r tfia fkdjk kuq;a fnoeyeÍfï fjf<| jdis ,nd.; yels msysàï we;s rgj, Tjqka jdyk tl,ia lsÍfï lïy,a wrUd we;'

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